Days Of The Old

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“Luna, do you think Alec is okay? Really okay?” she asked serious. Which is one of the reasons I’m best friends with her, she cared for anyone no matter how much sh*t you gave her. I was inspired by her for that.

“I don’t know. I think he’s pretending to be fine when deep down he’s tearing to shreds” I replied, grateful I wasn’t the only one who saw through him.

“Well...what...I-i...” She kept stuttering, seeming uncomfortable.

“What’s wrong Blaze, you know you can tell me”. I reassured her.

“What if someone can erase his memories, make him forget that he ever saw Adam...or even ever met him. I know it sounds harsh...But...I-I don’t want to see him I-in pain no more” she quietly finished.

“Do it” Alec’s voice said from the doorway.


“If you know how Blaze, then do it.” He said, getting more infuriated, as we stared at him, both with horror struck faces.

“Alec, its could get hurt” Blaze said panicking

“Anymore than I’m hurting now!” he shouted, his eyes quickly shifting from his usual emerald green eyes to a menacing cold black. His hands had started to shake violently, his wolf threatening to take control. I pushed Blaze behind me and looked him in the eye, hoping it would least calm him. He pinched the bridge of his nose, which seemed to be helping.

“”Blaze, could you do it?” I questioned her.

“N-No, I’m not strong enough...B-but you are”


“Yeah, my great-great grandmother kept a Grimoire, a -

“Journal documented with ancient recipes, rituals, spells” I interrupted “Sorry I remember my mother telling me about them”

“Anyway they say only witches can use the spells and create them. But that’s where they made a mistake”

“A mistake?” Alec interrupted this time, calming down as his shaking hands shimmered slightly. Then stopped. Blaze had moved to the side of me, not needing the protection any longer.

“After generations of believing this, people became suspicious wondering if there were more than the witches who could use these powers.” She paused. “And they were right. The Representer of the shifters and the Representer of the Vampires can also use them. Meaning you Luna. The Grimoire states that you don’t have to be witches but have to have a witch bloodline, but if we go back through your family of your...your great grandmothers was a witch and she was mated to an Alpha” she stopped, glancing at me slightly.

“How does that relate to me Blaze” I snapped, feeling the anger just boiling out of me.

“Because it was genetically has been passed down so they were able to shift and perform spells and rituals. Your family line -as in Hecate’s family line-the last representative of the moon” she said slowly. I hadn’t realized Seth standing next to the doorframe flanked by Damon and Matt who were glaring at Blaze.

“So you’re saying that Luna is related to Hecate? How’s that even possible?” Alec said, trying to understand like everyone was.

 “She was like Luna, in looks and personality and the goddess of Wisdom and all the elements. The legends of her are true, she was a shape shifter like the rest of us- she could only turn into a wolf, but she had a witch bloodline in her as well. But things got complicated once she found her mate. He was a witch. Not a shifter. They completed the mating process and she became pregnant. This is was when the beginning of the war broke out between the Shifters and the immortal ones”. She stood there looking distant then looked at us all in turn. She looked towards Seth last who nodded for encouragement and she carried on.

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