Caught Like A Fly

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Returning to school was...a nightmare. 

Only reason was I had Maths first period.

That meant Mrs Anderson. 

Yay! I thought sarcastically as I followed Alec into the classroom. The chairs had been put back in place along with the tables that had been thrashed around the classroom as I had shifted a few feet from where I sat. Me and Alec went to the back of the classroom like usual and took our seats. No one sat in front of us as Alec sneakily put his feet on the chair in front. A couple of minutes later, she still hadn't started teaching, which was odd as she always started exactly on the dot. 

Another few minutes dragged on, students would sigh and shuffle around in their seats. But no one dared to talk. Alec hesitantly put his hand up, I turned to face him and raised an eyebrow and he just shook his head making his hair fall slightly over his eyes. 

"What?" Mrs Anderson snapped, literally throwing death glares towards Alec though it didn't even faze him.

"What are we waiting for?" he asked 

"Shut up." she replied. 

Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed Alec muttered, rolling his eyes. 

If you haven't noticed that happens every day...I chuckled

Looks like you two have something in common then he said and winked at me. 

I didn't have time to reply as the door slammed open, making me jump as two figures came in, struggling. One boy had Malibu blonde hair and was wearing a black sweatband with some sort of logo imprinted on it, but I couldn't quite see what it was, with that he wore grey skinny jeans, black pumps with a black t-shirt which hung closely to his body, expressing the muscles that flexed as he struggled with the boy he had in a head lock.

The other boy was brunette and his hair fell half way down his neck but was cut at the sides that just covered his ears. He wore white skinny jeans with a black belt with pumps and a white long sleeved T-shirt, but he wore the sleeves rolled up where a black sweat band was layed, just like the other boy. The brunette was more muscular but even I had to admit both were attractive, yet somehow I was pulled towards the boy in the headlock, sending tingles sinking throughout my body. 

"Give up yet al-" the boy stopped short mid sentence realising what he was about to say and chuckled. He found this funny?  Why wasn't the alpha fighting back?

I was cut short as the brunette chuckled and ripped the blonde's hand away, he turned before the blonde could react and put him in the same position, but still kept their faces hidden from the class,    but their childish chuckles filled the entire room. 

Typical Jocks.

"Give up yet Ethan?" The brunette chuckle again, sending butterflies to my stomach, it was a flawless sound, effortless...playful.

"Enough" Mrs Anderson snapped "You do not enter my classroom in that manner, now take your seats" she finished, cheeks red, anger just boiling on the surface. 

I swear if she was a cartoon, she would be one of them characters that had steam coming out their ears, nostrils flared that it made them seem so ridiculous, as their eyes widened to the size of your own hand and all you could do was laugh when you were the age of 5, though secretly it still made me laugh. 

The two boys laughing faded and my mouth dropped open, 

The pull, the butterflies, the lust...the want.

Ethan and Jacob glared at Mrs. Anderson, both were relaxed like they didn't care - which they proably didn't. Jacob gaze turned to me and his face softened but was replaced by his smirk, which really didn't help.

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