Your Story

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Tiny 7 year old lexa snuggled into her stuffed lion. Woken by a stranger, her green orbs opening the greens that we're too fragile, to young. With the heart that had just began to learn how to love. With a small frail body and tiny memory , not knowing that these years of her life will build who she is.

"Alexandria?" Lexa stayed guarded.
"Your in the Hospital, do you remember what happened"

Lexa stayed silent, clutching to her lion for comfort.

The loud bell brought lexa out of her daze.

Making her way too English class near the end of the day sitting near the window staring out in thought.

Then the loud clang of a chair next to her. It was that Finn boy.

And again lexa didn't pay any attention, just glared at the shaggy dirty form never forgetting about there encounters on the first day. He was an awful person, teasing lexa and taunting her. What could a girl ever see in him.

Not like Lexa thought any better of herself.  She knows she is nowhere above anyone in the class.  Not even on the same surface as them.



"Hello, my little warrior." Lexa's father grimly smiled.

With her 12 year old sister, Anya right behind.

"Where's muma?"

"Mummy had to ...go away for a while. "


"Lex, mommy has gone into a long sleep, one she can't wake up from." He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead.

Lexa sat there tears coming down her face clutching her lion. And sat there crying like a child would. And then a sudden stop.

"I'm.. Hungry. Can we go home? "

Her dad was at a loss for words.


End of flash back

Making her way out of class lexa got cornered..
"I've seen you gawk at my girl. My 'property'."

Lexa growled inwardly at that.

He continued "and I've seen you glare at me...dyke." He spat looking lexa up and down.
He shoved at her

"You want trouble bitch."

He shoved her again.

Lexa stood up straight lifting her chin in confident anger.
With a slight snarl about to strike back.

When "Finn!". The voice rang in. "What are you doing!?"

"Nothing babe, she's the girl I told you about. The one that punched me for no reason" he lied feigning innocence. That wasn't the whole story.

The blonde that lexa still didn't know who's name. Looked at lexa with uncertainty and a little bit of ....disappointment¿ looking between lexa and Finn waiting for a reason not too believe or a reason she should. Lexa wouldn't make a sound.

"She's a Monster" he spat.
"Come on Clarke, let's go."

There it was 'Clarke' lexa thought, watching her walk away looking back slightly.

Lexa saddened at the fact she learnt her name from the horrible person named Finns mouth.

Lexa hit a locker in anger.

Lexa doesn't understand why she cares so Much she doesn't even know the girl.

Lexa stormed out of school not caring that she had a class left. Sat on the stairs and put her face in her hands.

Am I a.. Monster?



It was after there mothers funeral, lexa hadn't spoken to any one other than for food or sleep or normal kid play as if things we're okay... But not at the same time.

Lexa stared at a small box that listed "morgue" that lay on the chair.

She took it into her room dumping out the contents, seeing her mothers things. looking through the things
Seeing a bracelet her mother wore many times. Looking over it and put it around her wrist.

Her muma was dead.

'She can't wake up'

Lexas young head and heart could not process what was going on and she kept trying and finally seeing flashes of the accident not understanding what it meant blacking in and out. Not aware of what is happening.

Anya heard loud bangs and screams, running to lexas room.

Seeing lexa had torn her room apart. Pillows torn. Furniture moved. Clothes and toys scattered. And lexa standing in the middle breaking down, feathers from the pillows in her hair.


And that was the time period therapists diagnosed lexa with (IED)
Intermittent Explosive Disorder.


End.flash back.


lexa lifted her head and turned right to see "punk" kids smoking weed and ditching... The girl that looked like she didn't fit there winked at her, but than sooner than lexa thought the release bell rang.

But lexa didn't want to move.

And she felt someone tap her left shoulder.

Too look up and see the blonde, Clarke.

Clarke saw lexas red puffy eyes and her insecure form and smiled sincerely.

"I'd really like to hear your story, Lexa." ...


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