Though you keep reading the same sentence

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Raven and the others will be coming in soon to lighten up this angst. (Or make it worse.)


Lexa still lay with her hand throbbing, held closely to her chest. Her music blasting in her ears. She would never admit it though she had just finally finished dry heaving her crying finally settling, from the immense pain in her hand and the emotions that had bottled up since the last time she broke. laying there starring at the ceiling, the music helping her repair the large emotional dam.

Lexa's eyes closing to prevent them from stinging, she just wanted to sleep.

Not hearing her sister arriving home.

The door to her room opening, in walking her sister. Almost walking on her younger sister that lay on the ground with her eyes closed.

"What the heck...Lexa¿". Anya knelt down shaking Lexa's leg.

Lexa opening her eyes in slight panic, for the intrusion scared her. Though seeing her sister above her. Lexa wasn't sure whether to groan or smile. She slowly sat up using her right hand , the left hurting to much to be moved.

"What are you doing on the ground? I almost ran you over. " Anya asked confused and slightly chuckling at her little sisters lack of common sense.

Though when Anya saw Lexas eyes she knew now that this wasn't funny. Lexa looked as if she had been crying.
And practically cradling her left hand.

"What happened?" Anya reached out too her sisters hands. Lexa easily letting her.

"It's fine." Lexa winced. Anya gave her a knowing look. "Just hurts a little. " lexa shrugs.

"Lexa. It's definitely broken. What the hell happened?"

"I slammed them with my drawer on accident" Lexa's face twisted in pain as her sister tried to inspect her hand. "Ouch. "

Anya looked up. "Sorry."

Lexa would normally reject anyone else's help, and pull away. But this was her sister they tell each other everything.

"Come on let's get you to the hospital "

Ugh lexa hated hospitals.

"Well do you believe him?" The witty Latina asked from her right, whom Clarke knows quite well as Raven.

"No. " Clarke let out before changing it too "Yes, ..I don't know. "

"Why wouldn't you" the other brunette, Octavia asked from her other side.
"I mean that new girl seems pretty shady to me. "

Raven looked over at her with a 'rlly' look , and put her index finger out and made a short 'sh'

Octavia's mouth opened to reply.

Clarke's answer to her question stopping her. " because his reasons just don't add up." Her face deep in thought. "I'm done talking about this"

Raven was bout to push for more, her patience and suspense running out.

Octavia talking to prevent her from doing so. "Okay, we get it clarke, we respect that. " Octavia saying more to Raven and maybe a little to herself.
The class starting causing the three of them to turn to the teacher.

Raven whipped out her phone and started typing

To Pocahontas: We aren't really staying out of this right?

Octavia read it and chuckled. And quickly replied

To The Brains: Of course not. who do you think we are.

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