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'Crap!' You slipped on part of the mountain and hit your leg against a large tree. Pain shot through your leg, but you didn't care. You just kept running, afraid he would get you. You started to tear up. You weren't going back. Ever. And you wouldn't leave Milo with him. Milo is your black tabby cat who is 4 months old. He was in your arms, trying to keep warm. It was a blizzard, and you only had your thin (f/c) jacket on and blue skinny jeans. You were bare foot, and you felt like collapsing, but you didn't. You kept running. You would've given up if you hadn't found Milo. Milo was your only reason to live. You found him in an alley way almost starved to death. You didn't tell your step dad about him. He would've killed him. You couldn't go on any farther. 'But... Milo...' You looked down at the small kitten, still trying to get warm. You hugged him tighter. 'Maybe I should head back down, he wouldn't have followed me this far.'

You looked back at your footprints in the snow. 'But maybe head towards the town as I go down...' You walked Forward towards the city. After about 20 minutes of walking straight, you headed down the mountain. When you reached the bottom, you were greeted by a road. There was a sign next to it. "4 miles to (city name)..." You read aloud. You started walking the way towards the city. Your step-father, you call him by his real name, Chance, brought you up to a cabin in the woods. 'He probably did so no one could help me.' You thought. He told you he hated the city, it reminded him to much of your mom. She died of cancer when you were 12, and you're now 17. Your real dad is in prison for life for murder. Your mom had an older sister, but she was who your real dad murdered. All of your grandparents are gone, and your real dad was an only child, so you had no where else to go.

Ever since your mom died, Chance gained a drinking problem. He became addicted to alcohol and drugs, and started abusing you. That's why you ran away. You hated him. You've always hated him. A small meow came from your arms, and you looked down. Milo had lifted his head so he looked at you. You swore he smiled. But you see him smile a lot so it's not an unusual thing to you. You smiled back. He is the only thing that can make you smile now. A real smile anyway. You walked for an hour since you saw the sign, and you entered the city. It was snowing, and you really needed something to keep you and Milo warm. You also needed food for the two of you. You looked around and the roads were nearly empty. You figured they would be, since it was close to midnight. Most of the shop lights were off and only street lights were on. You were panting and you could see your breath. You found a homeless man on a bus stop bench. You immediately felt bad for him. You took off your thin hoodie and walked over to him, still holding Milo.

The man got up slowly and started to speak to you. "H-hello! I'm F-frank. Wh-who are y-you?" He was cold you could tell. "I-I'm (y/n), a-and I w-wanted t-to give th-this t-to y-you." You were cold as well, but you didn't care. You handed your hoodie over to Frank. "N-no... you're f-freezing... p-put it on..." "No, y-you n-need i-it more... please t-take it, i-it would m-make me happy. L-like giving me a h-hundred d-dollars." He started to cry and smile. "Thank you..." "No, thank you..." You waved and walked away from him, feeling a little happy. "(y/n)..." "You turned around. "Be safe..." You smiled at him. "I will..." Then you walked away from him.

Don't Go {Gaster!sans x Abused/Depressed Female reader}Where stories live. Discover now