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Today was the day. Your wedding day. You were having an outdoor wedding in waterfall, your favorite place in the whole world. You walked to G. He was so fancy in his tux. You both said your vows. "You may kiss the bride." G pulled you close and kissed you. You kissed back. Everyone cheered as you two broke this kiss. You threw your bouquet and Undyne caught it. She looked at Alphys and Alphys blushed.  G picked you up bridal style and he took you to the limo Mettaton was letting you guys borrow. He set you in the back and he sat next to you. He closed the door and the driver drove off. You had a bad beginning, but your knight in shining armor saved you.

Finished it! I know it was the worst ending ever, but I just feel like this story gets worse and worse every time I write, so I'm ending it. I hope you liked it and I hope you have a good day, everyday.

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