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It's been an hour since you talked to Frank. You figured you wouldn't see him again, but you were still happy to have met him. Milo was struggling in your arms. He kept meowing and trying to get out of your arms. You figured he probably needed to stretch his legs. "Milo, hang on. I just need to find-" Before you could finish, Milo jumped out of your arms. He started running down the empty street. "Milo! Wait!" You started chasing after him. He kept running. His black fur was hard to see in the dark. "Milo!" You kept chasing him. He kept making sharp turns left to right. You slipped on the ice a couple of times, trying to grab him on turns. He headed down an alley way. It was a dead end. He ran as far as he could down the alley way. You stopped in the middle of the alley while you were panting. "M-milo... c...come here..." You knelt down to one knee and motioned him towards you. He stayed against the wall, meowing frantically. You moved towards him a little more. "Milo, what's wrong? Come here body, it's okay." You said reassuringly. He ran towards you and nibbled your finger, attempting to pull you towards him. You picked him up. "Milo, wha-" You felt a pain in your head. You collapsed onto the floor. Only remembering seeing Milo hissing at a figure. Then you blacked out.

You woke up. You didn't feel Milo's warm fur next to you. You remembered what happened. You shot up and felt a huge pain in your head. Your head started to flow with pain and you held your head with your hand. You felt something on it. Bandages. You started to panic. You looked around the room, realizing you didn't recognize this place. 'Where's Milo? Where am I?' You felt tears form in your eyes. "Milo..." You said meekly. "Meow." You heard a faint meow from out side of the room you're in. "Meow. Meow." It started to sound frantic. You slowly got up from the bed you were on, not feeling as dizzy. You started to walk to the only visible door. You slowly opened it, silently begging it wouldn't creek. To your surprise, it didn't make a sound. You peeked out the door. You could hear the meows clearer now. You looked around. Outside of the room you are in was a long hallway. There were 3 other doors in it. On the opposite end, there were stairs going down. There was a railing along the hall. You heard the meows. You looked over the railing to see the downstairs. There was a green couch and a TV. There was also some paintings and some couch side tables. There was also a large door way in the wall underneath you. It was dark, but there was a small light on. You decided to head down the stairs, DETERMINED to find Milo.

"Meow! Meow!" The cries were louder. You walked to the big entrance. You peeked in and say it was a kitchen. Everything looked normal except for the extremely high sink. You saw a kennel on the counter top. "Meow! Meow!" The calls were coming from the kennel. You sneaked in to look at the kennel. You looked in and saw Milo. He saw you and got excited. You smile and put your finger through the holes in the door of the kennel. He started playfully grab it while you moved it around. "Don't worry Milo. We're gonna get us out of here." You whisper to him, barely able to hear yourself. You opened the kennel and grab him. You hug him and put your cheek against his face. Then you go back out into the living room. You were looking for a way out of here when you saw a door. You rushed over to it, still being quiet. You tried to open it, but it was locked. Before you could unlock it, lights turned on. Your heart dropped. You weren't thinking and hid behind the couch. You put your finger to your lips to tell Milo to stay quiet. He obeyed your command and sank into your arms.

You heard foot steps heading down the stairs. You started to panic inside. 'What if they notice I'm not in that room? What if they see Milo isn't in the kennel?' You let tears form in your eyes. You didn't want to be found. You wanted to get out of there with Milo safe. You hugged Milo tight, prepared for whoever it was to find you. The foot steps stopped. You couldn't tell where they stopped in the room. Before you tried to book it to the door, a face popped in front of you. You screamed and backed away. The face looked like a skeleton. It looked frightened as you screamed. It screamed back. It fell on the ground while screaming. You started to cry. The skeleton saw you and tried to make you feel better. "H-HUMAN! WORRY NOT! I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS IS HERE! TO NOT BE FRIGHTENED!" He was wearing some sort of armor with a red scarf. He had red gloves and red boots. He looked very tall. You heard more footsteps coming down the stairs. You were to frightened to look at the creator of the noise. "Papyrus! What's wrong!" The voice was deep. It frightened you yet calmed you down. "G BROUGHT SOMEONE HOME! AND HE TOLD ME TO CHECK ON THEM AT 2 AM!" 'It's 2 am?' The footsteps stopped. "Who, did he bring home?" The second voice was now terrifying. You trembled at the sound. "COME AND LOOK, BROTHER!"

The large skeleton, who said his name was Papyrus, moved out of the way. A shorter skeleton took his place. He was wearing a blue jacket with a grey hoodie. He was also wearing black basketball shorts with a whit stripe on each side. He also had pink slippers. His eye sockets seemed life less. Then, when he saw you, white pupils formed in his eyes. "A... human?" He sounded shocked. "YES SANS, A HUMAN!" the skeleton, Sans, looked at you. He seemed, frightened of you. You were still crying, holding Milo in your arms. Sans started to walk towards you. "N-no! S-stay away! p-please!" You yelled. He stopped, and looked at you not as frightened. Then he crept closer to you. "N-no! S-stop!" You yelled as he picked you up. Your headache started to come back a little while ago and you were dizzy. You struggled in his arms, but not very hard. You couldn't control what you were seeing. Your vision was starting to spin. "Hey, kiddo. Calm down! It's okay." Then you blacked out.

Don't Go {Gaster!sans x Abused/Depressed Female reader}Where stories live. Discover now