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You've been crying for 10 minutes. G was still holding you in his hug. You were guessing Milo found Papyrus's bedroom, because you heard Papyrus talking or playing with Milo. You started to calm down and G seemed to notice. "Feelin' better?" You nodded and let out a "Mmhm..." and G let you out of the embrace. You wiped your eyes with your right hand and rested your left hand on your lap. G rubbed your back. "Tell me what happened... if you want to..." You nodded at him and started speaking. (READ CHAPTER 4, PARAGRAPH 1 IF YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED BECAUSE I'M TO LAZY TO TYPE IT AGAIN XD) You started crying again when you finished. You held your blanket up to your eyes to stop your tears. They wouldn't stop. You felt you being carried bridal stile. You looked up and saw G holding you. He had a tint of yellow on his cheeks. 'What is that?' You felt your face heat up a little. He put his forehead against yours. "It's okay... Nothing'll get ya... not if I have something to say about it." You hugged his neck and weeped into his shoulder. He hugged you back. After a moment you felt like you were moving forward.

You ended your hug to look forward. G was still carrying you but he was walking forward. He was bringing you down the hall. He opened the first door to his left and walked in. The room was dimly lit. The walls were white and the carpet was the same pattern as the rest of the house. The mattress was a queen size and had a tan quilt on it that was made. That's when you noticed G was still in his regular close. He walked over to the bed and set you on it gently. He let go of you and went to the other side of the bed. He laid down next to you. You were still blushing a little and you could see the same yellow tint on his cheeks. 'That has to be showing his pity for someone... right?' He grabbed your arm gently and softly pulled it. You laid down next to him, slightly growing warmer as you did. He pulled you next to him and started to cuddle with you. You knew your face was beyond red. He rested his chin on your head and surprisingly, you were very comfy. You cuddled him back, enjoying his warmth. (Somehow...?) He started stroking your (h/l), (h/c), making you sleepy. You closed your eyes and before you knew it, you were deep in sleep.

You woke to the smell of bacon and eggs. You slowly got up and rubbed your eyes. You heard a little mew and looked down next to you. Milo was sleeping next to you. You pet his head and he lazily stood up. He looked at you and all his energy seemed to go from 0-Chuck Norris in one second. He ran up to you and started to rub his cheek against yours. You giggled and picked him up. You remembered what happened last night and immediately felt heat in your cheeks. You looked over to where G was laying before you fell asleep. He wasn't there. Then the bacon and egg smell came back. "Mmmm... Come on Milo, let's go see where that smell is coming from." You picked him up and carried him out of the room. You were wearing a (f/c) tank top with short black shorts. You honestly don't remember bringing these with you when you ran away, but you didn't get to worked up about it. You headed downstairs with Milo still in your arms. He was squirming playfully so you tickled his belly. He grabbed your fingers and nibbled on them, making you giggle.

You walked out the door and down the hallway. You went down the stairs as quietly as you could, not wanting to walk anyone up. The smell got even stronger. You felt your mouth water at the thought of food in your belly. You sensed Milo was excited to because he kept squirming and mewing. You smiled and put your finger to your lips, signaling him to quiet down. He followed your instructions but kept squirming. You walked over to the kitchen and peeked in the doorway. You saw G standing in the kitchen next to to stove. He was humming a song you've never heard before (Megalovania...-_- dirty brother killer... JK X3). You quietly placed your foot in the kitchen, not wanting to disturb him. But for a guy without ears, he has the hearing of a bat. Right as your foot hit the floor, he jerked his head in your direction. You stopped like you two were playing red light green light. He gave you a smile. The yellow tint or dust or what ever it was was spreading across his cheek... bones. "Mornin' sleepy BONES." You bursted with laughter. The yellow was now darker on G's face. He gave you a bigger smile and he closed his eyes half way. You laughed for about a minute or two before you calmed down.

You saw G's gaze at you, making you blush and shyly sit at the table. He chuckled a bit then walked over to you. He had two plates in his hands. He set one in front of you and the other where he sat. You set Milo down on the floor and he ran in circles for a moment. You smiled at him and giggled. Then he ran over to two bowls placed over in the corner. You heard crunching and assumed there was food in there. You looked back at the table. You looked at the plate that was set in front of you. There were scrambled eggs on one side of the plate and on the other were a couple pieces of bacon. You didn't notice the cup/mug next to you with orange juice inside it. You looked at G again and saw him eating. You watched him eat. '...How...' You asked in your mind. He saw you staring and stopped eating. He looked at you, then at your plate, then at you. "Uhhhhh... you gonna eat...?" He pointed to your food. "I-I can?" You asked him in wonder. Your dad used to beat you if you ate without his permission. He would make you wait until he felt like letting you eat. Sometimes your food would be cold or you couldn't eat at all.

G looked at you with concern. "...Yeah...?" Once he finished you grabbed your fork and grabbed some of the eggs. Then you looked at him again. "A-are... are you sure...?" "Yeah. It's not like I would beat you for eating." You dropped your fork on your plate, making G jump. He gave you a more, worried look. "What's wrong? I was just joking." You started to shiver. "M-my... my d-dad used to b-beat me i-if I ate without h-his p-permission." You felt tears in your eyes. G stood up and walked over to you. He pulled you into a hug. "I'm sorry... I didn't know..." He sounded sympathetic and yet angry. You hugged him back. "I-it's okay." You both let go of each other. G walked back over to his chair and sat down. You wiped your eyes. "You can eat here whenever you want. You don't need any permission here. But I wouldn't eat too much. Papyrus makes spaghetti for every meal, everyday. And it tastes REAL bad..." You giggled and he chuckled. "Sans and I usually pretend to eat it, since Sans doesn't want Papyrus to know." You nodded. Your mom did that all the time when you were little. After your meal, and telling jokes with G, G washed your dishes. Then you and him sat on the couch. "Sans and Pap are at work so it's just you and I today." "Mew! Mew!" Milo came running into the room. "And that guy."

Don't Go {Gaster!sans x Abused/Depressed Female reader}Where stories live. Discover now