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*Alright, so idk if all of you know this but (s/c) means soul color. I use this in this chapter so I just wanted to let you know, enjoy the chapter and don't forget about the contest!!! =D*

You were walking back to G's house. You were holding hands and your fingers were entwined with his. You had your head resting on his shoulder and his head was resting yours. His other hand was wrapped around your waist and your other hand was wrapped around Milo. You felt comfortable. You sighed, letting out warm air from your lungs into the cold air. You saw the puff of air as you sighed come out of your mouth. G giggled and pulled you a little closer. Your smile grew slightly larger at his action. You couldn't believe it. Your crush loved you back. You were in his arms. You snapped back into reality when you heard a door unlocking. G had a yellow aura around keys. His eye was glowing a brighter yellow as well. Your happiness level dropped. The door unlocked and you two walked inside. When you sat on the couch, G went into the kitchen. "I'm gonna make some dinner, want any?" He said teasingly. He knew you were a foodie. You smiled and nodded, giggling as well, and he chuckled and walked into the kitchen.

You put your back against the back of the couch and sighed. You pulled out your (s/c) soul and groaned quietly. It was different than everyone else's. You haven't seen another soul but you could feel it. It had a spot in the middle, which was (f/c) (unless your s/c is your f/c, make the spot your second f/c). The entire soul had a ring around it, somewhat like the planet Saturn. It was (3rd or 4th f/c) and it had sparkles in it. You put your soul away, not wanting anyone to see it. Milo jumped out of your arm and ran to the kitchen. You heard chuckles from the kitchen, then a small "Here ya go..." you smiled. You headed to the stairs. "G, I'm gonna go change into pajamas!" You yelled as you ran up the stairs. "Wait, I want to see!" He responded flirtingly. You blushed and you heard him laugh. "Just kiddin' go get changed." You walked into your room and shut the door. You went over to the closet. You only had one pair of pajama's because you went shopping ONCE. It was on the shelf in the closet so you couldn't reach it. You sighed. You didn't want to try and get it. You didn't want to use your magic to get it down either.

Your magic was just like G's. You were afraid of doing it because you didn't have total control over it. Your dad tried to hide it since... forever ...but your mom told you to show it, that they would accept you for who you are. You found it a lot easier to believe your dad than your mom. Once your mom died, you just didn't use any of your magic. The (s/c) aura reminded you to much of your mother, since that was her favorite color. Your dad always discouraged you and you fell into his trap. He told you your magic was the reason she got cancer, the reason she died. So that made you completely stop. And being the little kid you were, you believed him. You closed your eyes and sighed. You opened them and carefully raised your hand. The (s/c) aura wrapped around your hand and you started to panic. You dropped your and. Before you could get rid of the magic, the movement of your hand dropping pulled the shelf off the wall. You fell back on the floor and hit the floor. You felt tears in your eyes as you heard running up the stairs. Your door flew open and you saw G standing in the door way. You felt the tears running down your cheeks as he wrapped you in a hug on the floor. You grabbed him and started sobbing.

"I-I *hiccup* I'm s-sorr-rry *sniff*" G was rubbing your back telling you it was okay. After about 30 seconds, he broke the hug. He looked over at the closet then slowly back to you. He had a worried and scared look on his face. "What happened?" He asked you cautiously. You looked up at him and nervously giggled. "Heh heh... well, I haven't told you everything G..." He looked at you even more worriedly. "*Sigh* I have magic." He looked at you confused, then smiled. "So do I..." His hand grew yellow and your pajama's flew towards you guys. They gently landed in your hands. "I know... I can do that exact thing with my magic. Well, I could a long time ago..." "What happened?" "My dad blamed me for my mom getting cancer and dying. I couldn't live with myself. So I stopped using it forever ago. My dad was trying to make me hide it anyway so he found the perfect opportunity when she died. I didn't care about anything anymore, he beat me for everything I did and didn't do. I was beat 24/7. That's how I ended up in this lovely place. I ran away from home." You were still crying. G held you close to him and he kissed your forehead. "It's okay, I won't let him or ANYONE hurt you anymore..."

Hey guys! Sorry this is super short, I just didn't know what else to put in this chapter. But don't forget about the contest guys! I haven't had any guesses yet and there are four days left to submit your answers. Just message me through wattpad and I will let the everyone know the who the winners are! I hope you have a good day, everyday!!!! =D

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