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You were in your room, playing with dolls. Except, you weren't. You were watching your younger self playing with dolls. You looked so happy and calm. Your mom came into your room. You (the "ghost" you started to tear up. It had been ages since you've seen her. You ran up to her. " MOM!" You yelled and attempted to hug her, but you phased through her. You looked at her confused." Bedtime sweetie." Her voice made you cry. You couldn't talk much when you 5 because you were some what mute. But you knew sign language. You still know it, you just learned how to speak. Your past self signed something to mom. "O-K-A-Y" You already had pajamas on so you climbed into bed. Mom kissed your head and started to walk out the door when you made a noise. She turned towards you and you sign something else to her. "L-U-L-L-A-B-Y" she giggled and walked over to you. "Alright, for you (nickname)"

(Listen to song, that be the lullaby)

You were sobbing now. You haven't heard that song in forever. Your past self hugged mom and she hugged back. Then she kissed your forehead and walked out of the room. You wiped your tears away. Then your past self looked exactly where you were standing. "W-H-O A-R-E Y-O-U?" She signed. To you. You didn't know what to do. 'I thought it was a memory! What is this?' You started to panic. Your past self looked at you confused. You decided to come up with another name so she wouldn't know you were her from the future.(Sounds legit 😐) "I-I'm ( new name ) Your past self(we'll call past self yps) darted over to you. "Y-O-U'-R-E P-R-E-T-T-Y" yps told you. You smiled at her compliment. "Thank you! You are too!" Yps tugged at your (f/c) t-shirt. You kneeled down to her size. She started to look into your eyes, making you nervous. She then started signing. "Y-O-U A-R-E M-E, A-R-E-N'-T Y-O-U?" She looked at you with worry in her eyes. You had no clue how she new that. You nodded. She started signing something else. "D-O-N'-T G-I-V-E U-P." You were startled she new all of this. You started to see a bright light. Then you woke up.

You were laying on the big green couch. You tried to get up, not seeing any of the skeletons. As you sat up, Milo meowed. You picked him up, petting his soft fur. Then you got off the couch. You wanted to leave. Dad told you terrible things about monsters. He told you they eat kids. That they killed for fun. You weren't sure to believe him, since you were still alive. But it still sent shivers down your spine. You went to the door again, it was locked. You didn't want a repeat of earlier, so you decided to explore. You went upstairs and opened the first door. It had a race car bed, action figures on a table, a pirate flag with a skeleton face on it, a bookshelf full of books, an old computer, and a box of bones. You were confused, but you didn't question it. You shut the door, going to the next room. Locked. You moved to the door beside the one you woke up in earlier. Also locked. You sighed. You heard talking in the kitchen. You walked down the stairs quietly. You sat next to the entrance of the kitchen and listened.

"G! I don't care if you were mad! You could've killed her!" You shivered at the words Sans said. "Well at least I didn't!" That voice was new. "Yeah, lucky for you! Right now, we could be charged for kidnapping! How do you think that would effect monsters!?" Sans seemed really mad. The voice called G answered him. "I don't know! She just looked like she has a perfect life!" 'No, not at all...' You thought. "I got jealous and freaked out." G's voice was deep and rusty. You peeked in the entrance to see who G was. You saw Sans next to another tall skeleton. Not as tall as Papyrus. He was only about 5 inches taller than Sans. He was wearing a black jacket with a furry hood. You could see part of his ribs and his spine. He was wearing dark jeans and black boots. He had two cracks on his face and his left eye was glowing yellow while his right eye was black, like how Sans' were the first time you saw him. He somewhat frightened you. "That's no reason for you to nearly KILL a GIRL." It was quiet for a moment, then Sans started walking towards the exit. He spotted you before you could hide your face. He walked over to you and kneeled next to you. "Heya kiddo... what are ya doin up already?" His voice went from scary to peaceful. "I-I... h-had e-e-enough s-sleep?" You weren't sure why you woke up actually.

"Heh, well, Paps is upstairs makin' your room. Wanna go see?" He held out his hand for you to take. You hesitantly took it and he helped you get up. He carefully walked you up the stairs and walked you to the room for you. He knocked on the door waiting for a response. "WHO'S THERE?" You heard Papyrus's muffled voice from inside the door. "Dishes." Sans replied. "DISHES WHO?" He started to sound suspicious. "Dishes a bad joke. "NNNNNNYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! SSSSSAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNSSSSS!" You giggled at Papyrus's reaction. The door swung open and you saw Papyrus standing there. He looked at Sans angrily then at you and immediately had a smile on his face. "HUMAN! I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, MADE YOU A ROOM! COME AND LOOK AT MY PERFECT RESULTS!" You walked in the door, Sans letting go of your hand, to see a bed with a (f/c) bed spread, a black desk with a laptop, (second f/c) carpet and curtains, and a green kitty bed for Milo with a food and water bowl next to it and kitty litter. "D-DO YOU LIKE IT HUMAN?" Papyrus asked you. "I love it..." 

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