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You were in your new room. It was dark and quiet, just the way you like it. "To bad it's not raining." You murmured to yourself. You looked over at where Milo was sleeping. But you didn't see him. Panic started to feel in your chest. Then you heard a familiar voice outside the door. "Dad...?" You said worriedly. The voice stopped. Then you heard banging on your door. You jumped and squeaked at the sudden noise. "(Y/N)! GET YOUR SORRY *beep* OUT HERE!!!" He yelled at you, making you shiver. "N-no..." You said. "What. Did. You. Just. Say." He said in the most disturbing way ever. "I said no!" This time you yelled. It went silent for a minute. Then you heard him chuckle. "You little piece of *beep*. Fine then, guess I'll just get rid of this." You heard a meow and foot steps down the hall. You ran to the door, swung it open, and ran down the hall. At the very end, you saw your dad holding Milo and a knife. "MILO!!! NOOO-" Your dad stabbed him. He then dropped him. You ran over and picked up the lifeless body. You weeped into the soft, black fur. Then you felt a stabbing pain in your back. You slowly turned your head and saw your dad, who had stabbed you. He didn't look like himself anymore. Instead, he looked like the devil.


You woke up screaming. Panting, you looked right where Milo's bed is. His furry body was there, rising steadily in a pattern. You slowly calmed down, not much though. You got up and picked up the sleeping kitten and went back to your bed. You started to sob into his fur, waking him up. He meowed softly and rubbed his cheek against yours, attempting to calm you down. You heard thudding in the hall way and your door burst open. The noise made you and Milo jump, but you kept crying. You saw Papyrus and Sans standing in the door way. Sans's left eye was glowing blue and it looked like he was sweating. He was wearing a white t-shirt, his normal shorts, and socks. Papyrus was wearing a two piece orange set, with a sleeping hat. He had a pattern on it, but you couldn't tell what the pattern was. "HUMAN! ARE YOU ALRIGHT? WE HEARD YOU SCREAM!" Papyrus shouted to you. You didn't move. You just let tears roll down your face. Then you heard more footsteps in the hall, just not as quickly paced as Sans's and Papyrus's were. Then G stood in the door way. His normal glowing yellow eye stared at you. Then he turned to Papyrus and Sans. "Don't worry, I got this. Go back to bed, you guys gotta go to work. "G... are you sure...?" Sans asked uneasily. "Yes. Now go to bed." Sans gave him an unsure look, then motioned Papyrus to leave the room. "C'mon Pap, I'll read you Fluffy Bunny."

They walked down the hall and G walked into the room, shutting the door behind him. You heard Milo let out a little growl as he leaned into your chest. You stroked his back to calm him down, which seemed to work. G started to walk towards you, making you nervous. He then stopped at the foot of your bed and sat down. He didn't talk. He just looked at you, making you feel anxious. He didn't have a cruel look on his face, nor a smile. His face was neutral. It made you confused. You let Milo sit on the bed so you weren't staring at G. He stayed close to you and you smiled, reassuring him he could get off the bed. After a few seconds, he jumped off and walked out of a kitty door you hadn't noticed before. (In the door you entered to see the room). You went back to your position before you let Milo go and looked at your knees. Then, G broke the silence. "Nightmare?" He said in a surprisingly comforting voice. You nodded and sniffed, you weren't really done crying. He patted the bed next to him, motioning you to sit next to him. "Come here..." Hesitantly, you slowly sat where he was patting. He grabbed you gently and pulled you into a soft embrace. You felt your face heat up, luckily he couldn't see your face. "It's okay... cry..." You got confused. "W-wha-" "Cry..." You couldn't help it. You let tears roll down your face like a water fall. He rubbed your back to calm you. You grabbed him and hugged him back tightly. "It's okay (Y/N)... I won't let nothin' hurt you..."

Sorry this is so short. I just wanted to update a little bit for you guys since I haven't in forever. Thanks for reading and have a great day, everyday. =D  

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