mario selman // smuttyselman ✔

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A/N:guys i decided to just post this one last imagine before i completely left and i would join again, but sadly i was replaced so i guess this is goodbye younowhoes :(( ily all byee♡


You sat patiently in the chair as everyone around you was smiling and having a great time at your birthday dinner

Mario just announced that it was time for your cake and left to the kitchen you both shared and made many memories in

Your life was finally falling into place and you couldnt help but have a full heart

Mario entered the room, his smile beaming as you remembered he said he was making the cake from scratch

He looked proud, and adorable as usual

Before he could set the cake down, another person entered the room holding another cake that looked homemade, Cat

Everyone in the room laughed as Mario's face turned into a shocked expression

"Cat! He yelled

"What?" She laughed, taking the situation much better than Mario was

"I was making y/n her birthday cake!" Mario said, showing her the cake

"Well, she's my best friend so i wanted to make one too." She smirked

Mario mustered up with a smile and you grinned even more feeling completely loved by the Selman siblings

"Fine, but if you give y/n food poisoning, im blaming you." Mario chuckled

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