Chapter 7: First day of marriage

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Salaam everyone... How are you all?? It's so good to be back again... Thank you so much for the lovely wishes under the sorry note... :) Before you ask, how my leg is, I will answer that... It's better compared to earlier, but need to take rest for another 3 weeks because the bone is not set in its place... So owing to my promise, I'm back after a long time... I think it's been a month since I updated the previous chapter of Misconceptions, this is a long one to compensate my absence for a long time... And oh, I forgot, my college is started and with that comes to my exams too, that too in a month... :( See, this is what I call a REAL examination...

Anyways, happy reading... :D


It is Radhika who woke up first the next day and Arjun is sleeping beside her like a child. Why can't he be like this when he is fully awake? He is looking cute too. Radhika is about to pinch his cheeks but restrained her hands in the last moment. What if he knew the real feelings of her? He will tease her to world's end. God!!Where did she get trapped? By the grace of law, she has to endure this torture only for 6 months, if it is more than that, she is definitely and awesomely sure that she will fall in love with this imperfect and headstrong politician. What is she thinking, again? Love? Seriously now, she is thinking about being in love with a politician. Unbelievable and absurd. How can she even think of something like that? She should always remember her past and should not fall in love with any politician.

Radhika came out of her thoughts when she saw a slight movement beside her. Arjun is moving his body in different directions and mumbling something. She couldn't hear because his voice is slurry and the words are really incoherent to even put a finger and guess them. She thought he is having a nightmare but his body came to a still and his breathing is even now. Radhika thought to wake him up and then hit the shower but remembered last night incident and decided against it. She with the stealth of a panther moved off the bed after taking away the hands of Arjun that are on her body and hit the shower. When she came out of the washroom, he is still sleeping. What is he? Twin of Kumbhakaran? He should be up by now if he needs to reach his office early. She should wake him up. Confound that!!! Why should she bother anyway? She is happy that she got the entire house to herself. She can prepare her coffee if Mr. Spoon left any groceries on the shelves. Oh!! This life is not as bad as she thought earlier. She made her way to the kitchen and thankfully there is a stock of her favourite coffee powder in the shelves. So the politician likes the same coffee brand as her, not bad at all. She prepared her coffee and went to check on her husband. And there he is, still sleeping with the mouth as wide as Ambuja cement advertisement length. She put her coffee on the side stand and went to him to wake him up.

First, she shook him so that he can wake up without calling his name. But he moved his body only to change the body posture. As her side of the bed is empty now, he got the entire bed. He pushed his hands and legs in different directions all over the bed. Now Radhika has to wake him in a different method, and what is that? She doesn't have the slightest idea, usually, her friends are not that sleepy heads, so when she woke them up by shaking their body, they got up from the bed. But here, he is only changing his body postures as if she is training him for yoga. Suddenly her eyes fell on the extra cushions on the bed; she took one of them and beat him hard with the cushion on his back. Even this didn't wake him, but he slept with his back on the bed now. Ah!! This looks like she is adjusting his body postures so that he could sleep peacefully. Next, she tried calling him near his ear by 'Mr. Politician', 'Mr. Prince' and finally 'Arjun' too. But he only smiled in his sleep as if she is singing him a lullaby. God!! This man is cute in sleep and hard to wake up. What now? He should wake up if she has to go to her work. And given the situation, he is not going to wake up anyway sooner. So she took her phone to inform Hitesh that she is going to be late but another idea struck her mind. She went near his ears and shouted, "Arjun, your wife is going to shift to her apartment." Finally, the fear of losing his reputation woke him up and he shouted, "No, she will not." The mission to wake up handsome politician is finally accomplished. DOT.

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