Chapter 10: Jealous Arjun

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Salaam everyone... How are you all??

Firstly, a belated Happy New Year and also Advanced Pongal to all of you...

Please bear me for a few moments here; I was unable to write this earlier in one shot because of my time constraints... Now I'm free to some extent, so I am going to rant some of my feelings here... Last year has been a roller coaster ride for me... I met many friends online and became friends real quickly if you take my earlier self into account, I would not have been able to do all these in this short span of time and as usual time changes anything and everything, right?? So, here I am as an author of five or more stories and also a reader of many other beautiful stories... Thank you for giving me the privilege to become your friend and also reading my stories even though I think some of them were total bakwaas... Love you guys a lot and keep smiling always... And also remember one thing; "Life only takes sacrifices from the people who can make those sacrifices." ;) So never ever give up hope on life... So here comes the end of my philosophy... I will just shut up now and let you read the story... :)

Here comes the next chapter of Misconceptions, I included the most awaited jealousy segment in this chapter, hope you guys like that part...

Happy reading amigos... :D


Arjun is standing at the threshold of his house and was trying to make holes in Hitesh's head. Hitesh, as usual, being his cool self pushed Arjun to a side and entered the house.

'Did I just miss a show sister?' asked Hitesh to Radhika who was fuming because of her not-so-sweet husband and ever-irritating Mr. Spoon.

Her rage was cooled to an extent when she saw Hitesh in the house. She hugged him a little longer than usual and tried to speak something. But all she could make out is a whoosh of air. When Radhika was unable to speak up anything, Hitesh took her hand and made her sit on the sofa. He made his way to the refrigerator and poured water to Radhika, himself and another glass for some unknown person. Arjun and Pawan exchanged looks as to understand the situation. Radhika was all but weak in front of them and now she is not able to talk anything with Hitesh who is supposedly her brother. They came back to Hitesh where he was making Radhika drink some water and rubbing her shoulders to ease the tension that tied up her nerves. After that, he drank water from one glass and sat on the sofa as if he was waiting for someone.

Arjun could not hold any longer and asked him the reason of his arrival this late.

'I was here on an important mission and I cannot start it without someone else's presence in here. So, I am waiting for them.' Answered Hitesh nonchalantly.

'And may I know who is that who is going to grace my house with their sacred feet?' asked Arjun fuming.

"Mission, my foot. Isn't it enough I married a crack girl who got an equal crack brother? Now I have to endure another crack for God knows how long." Thought Arjun.

This brother-sister combo will make him mad one day.

'That should be me.' Came the answer from the front door of Arjun's house.

There stood a man with startling blue eyes he has ever seen, eyes as blue as the sea, strong jaw line, wide and strong shoulders and height an inch or two more than Arjun.

Arjun never felt small in front of any man but this man carries an aura of power and masculinity with him. If he ever wants to go into a battle of fists with him, then he sure as hell knows the answer to the question of who is going to be the winner. Arjun came out of these thoughts when Radhika leapt to her feet and made her way to the new entry of his house dodging him and hugged the new entry as tight as she could. The man's hands automatically hugged her tight pulling her more into his body. He lifted Radhika off from the ground and her legs were dangling in the air.

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