Chapter 15: Surprise gift opening

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Salaam everyone... How are you all?? Well, this might come as a surprise to you all, but yeah, this is the next chapter of misconceptions... I will be not able to update for another two weeks for my semester examinations are close, so please bear my long absence as you always does and do not forget the story, alright? No more blabber of mine...

Happy reading...


After leaving Radhika to sort out her thoughts, Hitesh and Vikas found themselves walking towards Vikas's cabin. Vikas didn't speak anything until they reached his cabin and when the lock clicked in its place he turned to Hitesh who was bubbling all the while to speak something.

'Now speak up, brother of mine.'

'Are you thinking the same what am I thinking?'

'That depends on what you are thinking.' Said Vikas raising his eyebrow.

'Don't give me that look. I am not going to be intimidated by that. Tell me you are going to Mr. Prince and let him know the truth or else I am going to do that. Plain and simple. I cannot go around seeing my sister heartbroken.'

'This Radhika has spoiled you to bits. Bhai saheb!! Please remember this is my office and my media house.' said Vikas air quoting the words.

'Haa, so?? Should I fear that you are going to suspend me from my duties?? Well then I remind you I am your friend cum brother and you cannot be relieved from me so easily.' Said Hitesh with a cheeky grin.

'How can I even forget that!!!' murmured Vikas. What a package he got as his friends. One is bull headed and other is air headed. Both of them are responsible for his sanity to be off bounds. Now this air headed man wants him to speak with Arjun. Very nice, that is what they are going to be. Matchmakers!! What a great day it will be for him to play matchmaker to his friend with his new found friend – thought Vikas sarcastically and continued...

'Why do you think we should talk to Mr. Prince?'

'Because he has to know what he is doing and we should also tell him the truth that Radhika is his childhood sweetheart.'

'And why do you think we have to tell him all that??'

'Because he has the right to know.'

'Of course.' Said Vikas sarcastically.

'You don't agree with me?'



'Because it is not our place to let Arjun know that Radhika is none other his childhood sweetheart.'

'Why so?'

'It should be Radhika, not us who will reveal this thing to him. Don't you think if we let him now that Radhika is his childhood sweetheart, he will come charging like a bull and shake Radhika out of her wits until she accepts the truth?'

'Well yes, he will do that for sure. But the truth should be out someday, let it be today.'

'That someday is not today Hitesh.' Said Vikas exasperated. What is he going to do with this brother of his? He cannot understand a simple thing – thought Vikas and sighed heavily.

'Why can't it be today?'

'Because Radhika is not in a position to hold herself up and speak in her defense when Arjun questions her about why she has held this secret to herself this long. Now, do you understand why am I saying this secret will be not out today?'

'Oh hell, yes. I didn't think in this manner. So you are going to stand by her when the secret is out, don't you?'

'Of course, I will. Don't I always stand by Dharma?'

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