Chapter 18: Mrs. Radhika Arjun

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Salaam everyone... How are you all?? Firstly I'm really sorry for updating this late... Been through so much these few days, I hope you enjoy this chapter as much as you loved the other chapters, 'cause I'm writing this one after a break of one month or so...

Happy reading...


Radhika has been receiving silent treatment from the four guys whenever she tries to broach the topic, they behave as if they are deaf or she is invisible. And the most irritating person of all is her husband. Whenever she tries to ask the real matter behind the Vikas's takeover of the media house, he brushes it off and says that it is a secret between the guys and the secrets are not meant to be revealed. Besides all these things, her relationship with Arjun has progressed a lot. They have been going out for dinners; sometimes he cooks the dinner for her which came as a surprise to her when he said he knows how to cook. When she asked why Pawan took all the efforts to cook him, he shrugged his shoulders and said that Pawan is trying to fill his mother's place.

His mother always cooked for him, made sure he is not hungry any time of the day. And when she is not there to fulfill his wishes, Pawan took it on his shoulders to make sure Arjun is treated well when he returns to his home country. Hearing these words from Arjun about Pawan, the respect Radhika had towards Pawan has increased exponentially. Pawan is this way from childhood; he was always protective about Arjun. The animosity between Pawan and her is decade long. They fought for Arjun and the responsibility to protect him from any danger that is lurking in the shadows.

She is fierce natured and Pawan has always been the mild one. He always gave away when he thought he cannot win over her. If the fate did not interfere in such a cruel fashion in their lives, they would all have been under the same roof not as strangers but as the friends from childhood. But then, she wouldn't have got the love she gets from her husband now. Because if the fate didn't interfere, he would have married her out of responsibility and there would have been no chance of love in their lives. True that he would have loved her, but not the destructive love he has for her now. His love will destruct anyone who stands between him and her. She knows that she shouldn't feel happy for such kind of love but she is happy nevertheless. He is her mate in the terms of her fierce nature, her passion for helping the needy, and her love that can destruct anyone.

Two weeks of blissful love in front of her eyes that is coming from not only her husband but his, no, their childhood friend Pawan, her brothers Hitesh and Vikas and her mother who is far away yet very near to her in the form of her morals. Every moral she taught her has been ingrained in every fiber of her body. To lose those morals means to lose her life. She is ever so thankful to her mother for all these things. Her mother always brushes it off by saying it was her responsibility to teach the morals to her child whenever she tried to thank her.

After two weeks, it was an inaugural function of a new wing of an orphanage. It is an open secret that the orphanage is run by Vikas and he intends to keep the other partners of the orphanage under covers. Even though people knew who those partners can be, they didn't have guts to voice it out because Vikas is ruthless in his pursuit if he focuses on a thing and that is destruction in itself. It is like a chain reaction, he detonates a bomb and the other bombs connected to it are blasted without his interference. So when Arjun accepted to inaugurate this wing, there are hushed whispers of Radhika being the mutual interest of these two powerful people brought them together and their advantages. The media house matter was made public because the change in ownership has to be made public because it is a public company. Seeing Vikas's name on the CEO list of the company, many shareholders reinvested their shares and the media house is regaining its success right now.

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