Chapter 9 | Could This Day Get Any Worse?

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"Is this some kind of revenge for burning your favourite things or what?" My voice startled the both of them and Dennis looked very terrified to see my appearance as if my presence made him suffocate.

"What?" Max's mind went blank for a few seconds before he tried to understand my question. "This?" He showed me the cheque from distant. "It's just a payment for Dennis and the video."

"So, you're paying him for humiliating me in front of the entire school and also the world?" I approached him.

"I don't have any idea what you're talking about," he got his brows corrugated.

"Really? Or you just won an Oscar for playing an innocent role?" Somehow, I felt betrayed by my own friend.

"Len, can you just say it what you actually want to say?" Max was irritated.

"The video! Have you seen it?" He gave me the huge urge to punch him in the face for not understanding what I just said.

"No," he uttered, making my jaws dropped because he was paying Dennis whom was still here, uncomfortably standing next to me for the video he haven't had the chance to watch.

Could you believe that?

"Well, I'm about to," Max ran his hand through his blonde hair.

"Give me your phone," I turned myself towards Dennis and demanded for his phone.


"Just give it to me."

With his trembling and sweating hands, he gave me his phone and I directly went searching for that absurd video then showed it to Max.

"What the hell is this?" Max frowned at me.

"This is the video that you're going to pay for," I replied.

Promptly, my friend looked at the fraud next to me furiously. "Dennis, what the fuck is that? I thought you're going to upload a video of my party."

"I did but—" Dennis tried to explain but Max cut him off.

"Dude, she's my best friend. How could you do this to her?" Surprisingly, Max ripped the cheque in his hand then shoved the pieces towards Dennis's chest. "Everyone needs a privacy, Dennis. And our deal is over."

Wait, what? Privacy? Did he really think me and Luke were dating?

"Let's get out of here, Len," my friend said and began to walk away.

I followed after him after giving Dennis one last glance. Oh gosh, he was such a dramatic. Dennis knelt down in front of the ripped cheque and screamed his lungs out in desperation of money. I knew he was a gay dude. I just knew.

"I did not believe you just ripped a cheque worth of fifty dollars," I said when we were back in the hallway.

"Actually, that was a fake one," Max told me the truth with a smirk, glancing at me sideways as we walked to his locker.

"You're a real fraud," I snorted in disbelief.

"And you're a total liar," he glared at me and we both stopped when we finally reached our destination.

"Me? A liar?"

"Yeah. You said that you and Luke were nothing."

"That's because we are," my brows wrinkled.

"Then, what about the kiss? Is that nothing as well?" Max rolled his eyes while he took out his books for his next class.

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