Chapter 13 | The Scream Drag Queens

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There was only nine hours, ten minutes and two seconds left for me, Max and Tyler to find our costumes. I was about to stick with being underneath a white blanket with two holes for my eyes but Tyler pushed me to go for Halloween's costume hunting with Max.

We always did everything last minute.

"I can't believe I'm a friend to a girl who doesn't even have any senses of fashion," Tyler had told me that on the phone last night when he was forcing me to go shopping with him.

I might not have that but I did have a friend who had that. Tyler was that friend. Honestly, he was like a guy version of Rachel Zoe. And Ken doll but in a bad boy way.

Thank goodness that Sara came over this morning when Ben was about to not letting me out of the house. He was being super strict after he found out that Luke and I were (unintentionally) seeing each other often at school, even though he was not guilty.

He was afraid that what happened to Ellie might somehow happen to me as well since she was now being held in a prison without her parents bailing her out for what she'd done. They were totally disappointed in her.

But after Sara was done lecturing her fiancé, he finally made his decision and let me out.

Now, I was riding shotgun in Tyler's car, being tortured by Tyler and Max's killing performance. They were dramatically singing Marvin Gaye originally performed by Charlie Puth and Meghan Trainor.

The song sounded more like an opera when they sang it.

The car was filled with so many emotions throughout our way to a costume store that Tyler had been wanting to go with us.

Just as soon as the song ended, we finally arrived at our destination and I was the first person to step out of the car. I went to see the exterior of the store Tyler brought us to in haste and I expected it would be a real costume store where they sold some macabre and grisly costumes but it turned out to be...

"Here we are," Tyler said when he and Max got out of his car.

"Seriously?" I stood in front of Tyler. "A store you've been wanting to go to is Hermès?"

"Yep. It just feels weird if I come here alone," he admitted.

"What kind of costume are you expecting us to buy from here?" My brows wrinkled. "Some of the ladies from history?"

"That's a good idea, actually," Max agreed. "I'll be Marilyn Monroe."

Both Tyler and I directly looked at him.

"Because I am damn sexy," he vaingloriously complimented himself.

I forgot that he could sometimes be an egocentric, self-interest and cocksure prince.

"Anyway," Tyler shook his head and tried to elaborate his points of taking us here. "I'm thinking of some costumes that might suit us."

"You mean, you want to be like Chanel and her minions?" I raised an eyebrow as I figured out his absurd idea.

"Sort of," my friend said. "Now, let's shop!"

Then he grabbed my arm and Max's and lugged us into the store to begin our little hunting for Halloween costumes.

Thankfully, it wasn't packed with ladies today since I was here with two crazy boys who went all crazy looking at these dresses like some girls and they made me look like I wasn't a girl.

When Tyler was struggling to find a dress for him to wear, I guess, one of the female employees who looked too young to work here came to him with a beam across her dark burgundy matte lips and offered a help.

"Hi," she greeted. "How can I help you?"

"Oh, hey gorgeous," Tyler seized his chance to flirt and smiled ear to ear. "I'm actually ask your phone number."

"Not the right time," Max and I faked our coughs as I pronounced those words.

"Don't mind them. They're crazy," he didn't even make an eye contact with us when he said that which earned a punch from me on his back. "Ouch!"

"You're so funny," she giggled. "I hate to tell you this but...I'm married."

Max and I promptly collapsed in convulsions to see Tyler's expression when that girl told him that. It was unexpectedly hilarious! He apologised to that lady before she walked away while we were still LOL-ing. Glad that we came here to see that priceless face.

"Yeah, laugh as much as you want to," Tyler was pissed and he ignored us as he continued to search for a perfect dress.

I would never forget this freaking crazy moment. It was worth to laugh about.

After ten minutes of hunting, Tyler finally gave us the attires we should be trying on. Yes, we, as in Max and Tyler were going to wear womenswear as well. I knew it was odd and it was something we didn't usually see it in our daily life.  But it was just for tonight and tonight only.

"Are you ready?" Tyler asked from the other fitting room.

"Maybe," I replied.

"Oh, fuck yeah. I'm ready!" Max yelled enthusiastically.

"Okay, it's show time!" Tyler announced and the three of us came out of our fitting rooms simultaneously.

We wore the same white pencil skirts but different colours of fluffy sweaters. Tyler wore a pink one, Max was in orange along with a matching headphone and mine would be turquoise. When I looked at a mirror, I saw a bunch of unprepossessing behemoths trying to look like Victoria's Secret models.

We were totally hideous in these sweaters.

"Are we going to dress up as the Chanels?" I asked.

"I kinda like it," Tyler told the truth.

"That's why I called you drag queen," I held back my laugh.

"Shut it, Chanel number five," he sassily snapped, just like how Emma Roberts did it when she was in Scream Queens.

"I really look like Chanel number three," Max struck a pose in front of the mirror.

"Honestly," I uttered after two minutes of silence, looking down at my attire. "I hate this costume."

"Well, yeah me too," both of my friends immediately confessed.

"I don't know why I even brought you here," Tyler stated.

"You shouldn't have, Tyler," Max placed his hands on his hips. "You shouldn't have."

Before we could go back to our fitting rooms, a woman with her three sons were passing by and stared at us. She looked dagger at us as she hauled her sons away from us while commanding them to close their eyes and not to look at us.

"Don't you have anything better to do?" The woman spoke whilst we just stared at her until she walked out of the store.

"Did she think we're some drag queens?" Max wondered.

"If she didn't close her sons' eyes, she wouldn't say that to us," Tyler answered.

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