Chapter 69 | What The-

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"C'mon, you guys! I'm hungry!" Max whined.

"Do you want me to feed you with dog food?" Luke glared at Max after he washed the lettuces.

My friend curled up his lips at Luke before he turned his attention to Lenny whom was sitting on the floor beside him, "Lenny, tell your dad to fuck off."

And surprisingly, Lenny seemed to understand and produced a loud bark.

"Good boy," Max petted the dog's head.

"Max, don't teach him bad words," I scolded while slicing the onions, fighting myself from letting the tears out.

"Boo, mommy is so conservative," he huffed.

I simply shook my head, not wanting to deal with his attitude right now. My eyes began to feel the pain of slicing the onions, tears welling up and I tried so hard not to let them spilled from my eyes. I didn't know why did I force myself to help Luke slicing these little tear bombs in the first place. It should've been Max since he liked to be all extra, crying as if he was in a soap opera.

"Fuck, these onions are killing me!" I put the knife down and slammed my hands down on the countertop, throwing my head to the back as tears course their way down my cheeks.

"Just admit it, Len. You're suck at cooking," Max ribbed.

Angrily, I hurled one of the onions at him, aiming it to his head but it hit his chest while he still laughed. I knew inviting him to have a lunch with us would be a bad idea. He was constantly bugging me.

Luke came to me, wiping the tears off my cheeks before he brought me to the sink and let me washed my eyes.

"I told you, you don't have to do that. But you're so stubborn," he sighed, taking my place in slicing the onions quickly.

"I just want to help," I dried my face with the back of Luke's shirt.


"Your help is delaying the lunch. I need to eat, Lennox. I'm famished!" Max cut Luke off before he could finish his sentence. Both me and Luke narrowed our eyes at him, sharing the same facial expressions toward that bastard's demeanour.

"Cheesecake, do you want me to kill your best friend now or do you want to do it yourself?" Luke asked.

"It's better if we do it together," I replied impassively and grabbed a cleaver from the knife block. "I'll take the head."

"Nice," My boyfriend smirked at me before he scowled at Max who seemed to be a bit terrified now. "I'll get the rest of his body."

Max lifted his hands up in surrender, "Whoa. Hey. It was just a joke—"

"Holaaaa!" Cece's voice filled in the whole house as she mindlessly walked in without even knocking or rang the doorbell.

I thought she was going to come here with empty hands just like Max did but she didn't. Four large plastic bags from a Mexican restaurant occupied her hands as she stood in front of the kitchen, looking so horrified the moment her eyes lay upon the view of Luke and I holding up the kitchen knives in our hands while pointing them toward Max.

Was she surprised? Nope. She wasn't. She looked as if she had predicted this would happen. She rolled her eyes at Max whom was pleading for her help as she went to set all the food down on the countertop.

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