About Vampdragums

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Vampdragums have been around for as long as possible training to become strong and powerful to become the ultimate super natural creature. The origins on how they were created is not known, but all they know is that they are alive, and many have certain goals to complete. With the body of a human, fangs like a vampire, and wings like a dragon, many Vampdragums are charming to humans and are considered very beautiful. At first, they were not accepted into the human world, so they all isolated themselves on Drago Islands, home of many Vampdragums, Emperors, and Empress's. Many of these Kings and Queens are full blooded, so they were mostly in charge. Over decades of advancing their way of living, they decided to create their own cast system to organize the different citizens. The top of the pyramid was the full bloods, the second was the half blood, and third was the hybirds (different text), fourth was the fledgings. In order for a human to become a Vampdragum, they must prove to the Emperor or Empress that they are worthy enough to join the clan. But just because there is a cast system doesn't mean they all get treated differently. The third Emperor used to travel to France back in year 1789 when the French Revolution took place. Watching the humans fight and rebel against others made him realize that all people should be treated the same. So he declared that since there are three different cast systems and different mixes of blood and race, we are all the same and should treat each other like a family. His rule helped a lot, everyone gets along very well and is very kind. Violent out bursts were rare on Drago Island, unless it was necessary.

Since there are different cast systems, the only difference between them all is power wise. Vampdragums can learn multiple or limited power, it depends on which cast system you were born into. A full blood, power is endless, it just comes to them naturally. A half blood, they can only learn six different types of powers. For a fledgling, they can learn less then six different types. Some of the powers are: Psychic abilities like future telling, or levitating objects. Element Control like controlling the wind or rain. Being able to bring people back from the dead, unless they have possession of the body. The ability to tame dragons, like new comer dragons and so on. Or the ability to summon weapons, with a little of their blood, they can summon anything that comes to their mind.

There is also they way they speak. They can do two different things if they don't want humans or any other creature to know what they are talking about. They can speak Dragonese, or they can communicate from their minds. Dragonese is known only by the Vampdragums, but humans can learn if they want to. With communication through the mind, all they have to do is clear their thoughts and have a strong eye contact with each other, sort of like a staring contest. It is also know for all Vampdragums to have incredible strength and the ability to get information about a person just by spreading their wings and studying them. This was very helpful when they would go into war.

Now it's time to talk a little bit about the history of the Vampdragums and Vampdragoxs. When two past leaders met, when they first discovered one another, they didn't quiet get along. With their differences, war broke out between them. It was a turning point in history for them known as: The United Front. The war between them lasted at least a maximum of several years before each side called truce. The reason for that was many soldiers were injured or permanently damaged, and both populations were low due to blood shed. That's when they just called it quits and went their different ways until new current leaders were born. These current leaders were known as Jennifer of the Vampdragums, and Sakuse Hardstone of the Vampdragoxs. They held a meeting in Drago Island and signed a treaty for peace between both creatures. Ever since that day Sakuse disappeared and wasn't heard from again.

For Vampdragums, their fighting techniques are out of this world. They are inhuman fast, good at aim, striking their opponent off guard, and basically good at giving jaw breaking punches. They are always trained at the age of eight to get a head start to learn different battle strategies, and teleportation. The teleportation help them enter different worlds freely. They can come and go if they please. But most stay behind as servants, and Protectors (they have the job of hunting down enemies and making sure the whole island is peaceful, constantly guards the Empress or Emperor) for the Empress or Emperor. Or the third option: Become a member of the Dragon Council. To become a member the person must be brave, strong, powerful, and experienced in certain things. Also known as the DC, they have some power that surpasses the Kings and Queens, but the Kings and Queens are still the main ones in charge.

For women or male Vampdragums, they are allowed to marry who ever they please. When they fall in love and want to be with their spouse for eternity they both must make the Eternal Vow. The Eternal Vow is pledging your full love and service in a relationship (married or not), after that is done, the two become inseparable and can't be without each other, it's a strong eternal bond that never fades. And when it happens to a Vampdragum, it's very sacred to them. Also, once that happens the couple can have as many kids as they please, which is good to get the population back up.

The Vampdragums also have rules created by the Current Dragon Empress, here are some of them:

1. Anyone who has disturbed the peace will be sent to trial and punished reasonably that matches the crime they have committed.

2. All Vampdragums should be fed well and kept healthy.

3. If men or women choose, they can sign up to work as DC, or a Protector.

4. Any type of trade with other islands must be confirmed with the Empress or Emperor.

5. If emergency. report to DC or the Ruler.

Lastly, I'm gonna talk about the Dragon Empress (in the current books I'm writing). When she became Empress she had to come up with a promise, known as the Empress's Vow. She said: "I the Dragon Empress, here by vow to keep all villagers safe while I am under control. I will do everything in my power to keep peace and prosperity, even if it means giving up my eternal powers. I swear on all Emperors and Empress's before me that I will be the ultimate ruler, that no one has even seen." Ever since that day she has done great things for her people and humans around the globe, becoming admired by millions.

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