maya here :)

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this is maya. i was wondering if i should end the book here, or if i should keep going. i was thinking about doing another fan fiction about who knows what, but mainly sorta a book. if you have any requests or ideas, PLEASEEE TELL ME!!! comment, message, anything. also, if you have extra time, please read below.

this has nothing to do with this current fan fic, but THANKS FOR READING IF YOU ARE. i might write a book. i might write a book about me personally as well. but, this book will be able romance, drama, highschool. im really excited to write both of these things, but i need to know if anyone would like to see this. most of you don't care, BUY HEY IF YOU DO I WOULD LOVE TO BE YOUR FRIEND BC I NEED FRIENDS ;). feel welcome to talk to me at any time. thank you so much for reading this if you are and bye ;*


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