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This is just a little thing where I'm going to post about how I chose characters and why I do the things I do when I write! I thought it might be interesting to share my perspectives with you all if you were interested. Also I was thinking about it and decided that since everyone else writes a book about random things, I can too. Although this will more be about how/why I do the things I do when I write. 

If you have any questions or topics you think I should address just let me know because I'm more than willing, I have a few pre written things and I think I'm just going to post them all at once.

Also this started because of a rant I typed out in an author's note (I have since deleted it) but don't be offended if I say I won't do something and that's how you write. This is just my own style and my own choices. A lot of people do what I'm about to say I refuse to do and that's fine, they do it successfully too. I don't. So don't be upset or anything, this is just how I perceive my own writing.


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