The Best Christmas Ever

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Hello everyone! Today I was decorating my tree with my younger siblings, eating sugar cookies and listening to Christmas music and I wanted to share something with you that I think is important to know. 

For those of you that don't know, I come from a relatively poor family. It was a miracle that I could even go to college and my parents credit score is so low that my aunt cosigned for me. Besides all of that, my father is relatively abusive, although as I have gotten older it has gotten better, and my mother has pretty bad paranoia. Despite all of this, my siblings and I have an absolutely wonderful relationship, I think that says a lot in itself. 

Not to mention, I was extremely close with my grandmother until she passed away two years ago, and even now, it still hurts me to know that she's gone and sometimes I spend a lot of time wishing she was here because I became so reliant on her. She taught me a lot of good lessons, but that's not what I'm writing about, as the title ensues this is about The Best Christmas Ever.

So, what was my best Christmas? It was last year actually. 

And I didn't get a single gift for Christmas. 

I know that must sound crazy to a lot of you, and at the time, it was to me as well. But my mother said she couldn't get gifts for all of my siblings and I, and therefore only got gifts for my two younger siblings (who still believe in Santa Claus) and yet, it managed to be the best Christmas ever. Hopefully this year -- in which I face a similar circumstance -- tops it. So far, it's been more than an amazing experience. 

It isn't that my mother doesn't love me enough to get my gifts, the day of Christmas she pulled me into her room and cried because she felt so bad (in which I cried too, because I'm that person) but my mother tried so hard to make it a good Christmas when she thought it would be completely awful. 

In reality, it was the exact opposite. 

I spent so much time doing fun arts and crafts, playing different games, baking and watching movies with my siblings that I had completely forgotten that I wasn't getting anything at all. We played in the snow, and we laughed and something about it was absolutely magic. 

I don't tell you this because I want you to feel pity for me, in fact I want just the opposite. I only tell you this because I want you to think about what the holidays should be. Forget about the presents, focus on who you have rather than what you have. It is something people say a lot, but they don't actually engage in, instead, they get gifts all the same but they project this feeling. It was a lot different actually experiencing it for myself and I wasn't embarrassed to not get anything, and I wasn't upset about it. Like I said, this was the best Christmas ever. I was more than happy, and I think it put life into perspective. 

This is your one, single life. It's important. As much as we want to give up sometimes (and believe me, I still feel this way too) it's important to consider the people around us. The people around us is what keeps us going and no matter what, know you have a person that is there for you. 

After all, that's what online communities are all about, being there for each other. 

Take the time to stop and think, and be grateful for who you have rather than what you have. Having friends is being lucky but having family is being blessed and having them be both, is something that I can never put into words. I love my siblings and mother (not father, but that's okay) and I am grateful to have them in my lives. 

So on Christmas morning (or whichever holiday you celebrate) open your gifts slowly or fast, it doesn't matter. But stop and recognize who gave it to you, don't thank them for getting you a gift but thank them for being a part of your life. Thank every person that you are thankful for being there, your family, your friends, your pets, every single living creature. Thank them for simply being a part of your life, helping you through the day, because where would we be if we had no one? 

Christmas isn't about the gifts, it isn't about the money, and it should have never been commercialized the way it is. It also isn't about Jesus anymore either (no offense dude) it is about being together, and being loved.  I can assure you, that you all are. Especially by me. I am very thankful everyday for my community, and for the positive little nitbits that you all provide me with every day. So just do me a favor, and thank the people in your life, for being the people in your life. (P.S., something handwritten always goes a long way!)

I hope you all stay cheery, merry, and bright, not just for this holiday season, but for the rest of your lives. And if you find you are in a predicament where you feel a little lost, and you think that no one loves you, do me a favor and remind yourself that at least one person does. 

And her name is Rin =)

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