Sean or Jack

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Okay I almost always write books with the name "Jack" with undertones that it is not his real name.

Because I feel like that's just kind of what everyone pretty much calls him that I've seen.

I understand that Sean is his real name, I do. But I feel like it's just so much more commonly him being called Jack that I like using it more? 

Also, I know that when I write Sean I don't do the little accent thing. I'm sorry, but it just is not happening. I say this not to be insensitive to the fact that it is his name. Accent and all! While it is easy for me to write accents on my phone, not so much on my computer. At least, I don't know how you do accents and I'm not really concerned about finding out. 

This isn't something people are complaining about either, I was just thinking about it. It's also for the same fact that I call Cryaotic Cry and not Ryan. Everybody calls him Cry so I do too. 

Also I write AU so I can do what I want. 

I also did not know for what seemed like the LONGEST time that Jack's real name was Sean, like if you told me that when I first started watching Jack's channel, I would've been like "oh hell no." 

Now of course, why is this not the same when I talk about Felix, a.k.a., Pewdiepie.

CAUSE WHO WANTS A FUCKING CHARACTER IN THEIR STORY NAMED PEWDS. It sounds awful. Felix is SUCH a nice name, I am not going to name a character Pewdiepie (or even Pewdelia - if you got that reference, good on yah) because it just sounds.. Bad! Like Cry, that works for me, I like it. But Pewds? Does everyone know that Pewds sounds like a specific kind of hair that grows low?? Or is that just me? 

Also, I wouldn't call Mark Markiplier in a story. That'd be weird.

But Jack is Jack to me. Other people call him Jack, that's what he does. That's it. I always point to the fact that Jack isn't his real name and I feel like that's enough, but I will not call Jack Sean. Nope nope nope! 

Long pointless rant. Also I wrote this and never posted it and I am just now going to post it. 

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