Smut and Everything In Between

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Yeah I get it, we are all horny as all hell.

And I'm not against doing sexual things in my waking life, but it's okay if you are. It's just me personally.

But smut.. it doesn't aid to anything in my opinion and it makes me HIGHLY uncomfortable to write it.

Maybe if I knew that the people I was writing about weren't real people then I would find it alright, but knowing it's Jack and Mark — or whoever — it just.. isn't my cup of tea.

I've done it maybe once or twice, and you should know it causes me extreme amounts of discomfort to do it, so don't look for it in my writing. I'm just.. not really okay with writing it and I realize now, that is okay. I'm allowed to write what I feel I'm okay with.

Of course, this could always change (for instance, I always tried to avoid cussing in my writing, but now I do it because it's a trait of the characters) but I honestly don't think that it will!

I'm going to be very front coming with you as well, and don't take this the wrong way: my writing is less of writing septiplier, and more of just.. writing fiction. Not as if I'm not like "oh septiplier is cute" but I really enjoy Amy and Signe so I'm past the point of shoving it in anyone's face. I just really enjoy writing with these people, and that's really.. why I do it in the first place.

Yeah I know it's fanfiction and it's gay fanfiction nonetheless. And if I wanted to just do normal writing with OC's, then I could do that. But honestly, since I write so many AU's, I feel like even these characters who are based of real people become OC's to an extent.

I think subconsciously you all know that too.

Like, you enjoy reading it because it's Jack and Mark (or whoever) but it's not the REAL Jack and Mark, it's who I've made them to be and it changes every time I make a new book.

I change who they are as people to my needs, and as far as it's become, they're not really the same people. They are their own different entities.

So in the end, it becomes fanfiction less and less (in my case anyways) because I legitimately only take their physical appearance and names. Sometimes I make references to their real lives, but even that is far and few.

And I don't want anyone to be upset with me for saying this, because it's legitimately just my opinion It's alright if you guys ship it, but understand the extent you take it to. At the of the day, our actions are all in relation to the fiction we make on our own, don't mix up what is FICTION and NON FICTION. I think that's the most important thing to take away from this.

I love writing, and I don't plan on stopping, and I love Mark and Jack and all the rest of them, and so don't expect me to just drop off of this anyways. I also love the community that this gives me, more than you understand; I check my notifications all the time.

And understanding the impact I might have on someone by writing fanfiction, I'm going to stop writing smut. It makes me uncomfortable and it's not necessary in my opinion. And I'm going to begin making it explicitly clear in the description of all my books that I understand that Jack and Mark and everyone else are their own people, and the characters I have created based on them are just that: inspired characters.

I know this issue is a bit..older but lately it's just been plaguing me a little bit. And I think for myself I need to state my true intentions. So I'm not gonna leave or anything but I just felt like I needed to say all of this.

I was really uncertain about posting this too, it's just a shit load of contradictory complaining but I don't know.

Thank you very much if you read all of this, and I'll see you all in my books.


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