The End of an Era

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Hello everyone! 

I am across something while I was writing a chapter of The Lover.. And I thought very hard about this before deciding this is what is best for me.

You might be a little.. shocked or saddened by what I am about to put forward onto you. This, is a goodbye for me. Since I began writing about two years ago, I have taken two major breaks -- one just happened. Over that period of time I was in a very dark place. On the very edge of death, what stopped me was realizing how many suicide letters I was writing for individuals as explaination and encouragement. It isn't that I don't have time here anymore, but it is the end of an era for me. A great era, but the end nonetheless.

Do I still care for my YouTubers Sean and Mark and Felix and the rest? Of course, in fact I'll probably still watch their content from time and time but I can't necessarily say my primary interest lies within watching them anymore. I really am grateful for the experience I had here, but I think this is it for me.

I'm leaving up all of my completed books, so if you want to read them again, you can! But if you try to message me, chances are, I won't answer. Don't take it personally, I really love all of the people who have taken the courage to say hello to me. Like I said though, this isn't where my interests are anymore. Even I were to continue writing, I couldn't write for these few YouTubers anymore. I don't feel like I know them enough to give you the content you deserve. When I tried to write.. I just couldn't anymore. Writing this kind of content with these people is just not something I can do. 

If you still want to talk to me, hit me up on twitter @missyrinny and I will be sure to answer you! I consider you all someone I would enjoy spending my time with, I consider you all friends, and I want you to know that I very much care for all of you, and I'm really sad to see this go. It actually makes me really upset but at the same time, I know this is what needs to happen. 

I had a really great time here, and I am really thankful for it. I'll definitely look back on this community with nothing but positivity. 

In the future, I encourage you all to speak your minds, live your best life, and remember that this is your life, and you can do what you dream to do. And if you could just smile every now and again for me, that would be great.

Much love to you all,

Rinny =)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2018 ⏰

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