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serendipity (n.)- finding something good without looking for it

)- finding something good without looking for it •••••

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WEDNESDAY morning arrives even though she isn't prepared for the day ahead

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WEDNESDAY morning arrives even though she isn't prepared for the day ahead. Yesterday was like a dream that turned into a nightmare within the blink of an eye. She moves around the house like a zombie, grabbing a random pair of sweats, throwing her hair in a ponytail and making a large cup of coffee with extra sugar and cream. This is the ultimate hangover formula, taught by Archer when they would have their party days.

Grabbing her things and finally leaving the house, she proceeds to walk to school, which takes about an hour to accomplish. She is so used to going to school with him every day. As she walks alone, she realizes that she really depended on him for a sundry of things.

Going to school alone feels so odd to her. She keeps looking to her left, fully expecting to see her friend next to her, grinning at her or grunting about the test he was about to walk into. But instead, she sees empty space. She shakes her head in an effort to clear it, shutting her eyes for a moment, before turning back to what's in front of her. She resumes walking, holding her head high and daring anyone to comment on her appearance, or lack of her familiar partner.

The day continues, just like that. Walk to class, get weird looks, daydream, repeat. She doesn't see him once-- not in any classes, at lunch, or at their secret hideout. She wanders to the secluded area during her lunch period, seeking his comfort. But, remembering that he doesn't want to see her anymore, she turns around. Tears spring to her eyes and direct her feet in a random new direction.

The bell rings again, signaling the switching of classes. She doesn't pay much attention to it, though, listening to it reverberate through her ears like a reminder of her pitiless luck. Still, she moves her feet relentlessly onward, keeping her head dangled and not uttering a word.

"Hey! I know you give... services in your free time. Can I get some after school?" A boy asks with a snide snicker.

She exhales deeply, closing her eyes in exhaustion and rubbing her forehead. She was used to their taunting and ridicule, listening to little remarks about her change in lifestyle for three years. These boys were obviously freshman, as their braces, small statue, and overfilled book bags revealed their age. She was surprised that they even knew who she was. Usually Archer was there to tell off those who overstepped their boundaries, but now she has to face the music alone. She watches with glassy eyes as his friend pats him on the back, congratulating him for his comment. They cast one more look in her direction before continuing to class without waiting for her response.

"Wait!" She suddenly comes to and speeds after them. "Where did you hear that?"

The friend speaks this time, a smirk growing on his pale face. "Doesn't everyone know?"

She offers no response. Fear and dread rob her of her own breath.

A few minutes later, walking down the hallway with her head held low and counting the tiles, she bumps into a surprisingly solid figure. Upon the realization, she knows those muscles and that smell. Archer. She can further conclude it by the shoes he wears. It is the same pair she bought for him, sophomore year. She itches to look up, to see if she could identify whether he feels the same pain she feels. Her heart overrides the logical part of her brain, allowing her to do the inevitable.

He looks unchanged. Calm, cool, and collected as always. She envies him for that; his ability to go on with his life as if nothing ever went wrong. He can utterly fail a test and act like the world is on his side of a war against something much greater than something as mundane as school. He can go through his parents' divorce and see sunshine when it rains. He could have his heart broken by a random girl and not feel a thing.

She wonders if he is acting now, if the thunderstorms that rage in her mind wreak havoc in his as well. But she never questions it, never utters a word, and lowers her gaze back to the tiled flooring.

He clears his throat, as if expecting her to answer him or start a conversation. And that is exactly what she chooses to do.

"Where have you been all day?" she asks in a quiet tone, "You missed the chemistry test sixth period."

No response-- silence.

"Look, I know you don't want to see me right now, and that's understandable... you just have to tell me-- oomph!"

Warm arms violently embrace her, the smell of peppermint overloading her senses. She breathes in, feeling like alcohol is coursing through her blood. Euphoric.

In that moment, they each feel relief from being in each other's arms. One more than the other. Serenity comfortably fills the air around them.

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay," she mumbles, face squished between his chest and arms. Her body melts and relaxes as it normally does in his presence. She is satisfied with his apology. At least he did say that he was sorry. It doesn't really matter to her whether he apologizes or not, though. She forgave him, in secret, the moment he climbed out her window that night.

"Ok." He replies evenly, and leaves it at that. Silence consumes them as they stand in this position and enjoy each other's presence. No more words are exchanged throughout the remainder of the period.

She thought this was the worst their friendship could get. No other problems would double over this and if they did, they could be figured out through a civilized conversation.

But, she is a naive girl in love.

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