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matutine (adj.) -just before the dawn

) -just before the dawn•••••

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FLORENCE pressed pause on the movie, yielding a disappointed sigh

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FLORENCE pressed pause on the movie, yielding a disappointed sigh. She was watching Mulan and her favorite scene was coming up. Flo didn't want it to end since boredom would fill her little head up to the brink. It was a tedious life for a seven year old.

All the girls in school would talk about how horrible Mulan was compared to Cinderella. Sure, Cinderella was pretty and all, but she was not a strong warrior princess like Mulan.
Flo's dream was to become a powerful girl like the Disney character so that she could make her mom proud. It was an aspiration written for the stars.

How someone could make such a daft comparison between the two characters was beyond Florence's comprehension. She wanted to crush the glitter lipglosses of the girls from her class for thinking so stupidly about the movies.

With Mr. Wuggles in tow, she trudged out of her room while looking at the pretty poster her mom put up of a dog with a pink bow on. In school, she was often made fun of for having the stuffed toy. He followed her everywhere, and she refused to leave him alone in case he got lonely.

She blamed it on the fact that seven year olds can't have teddy bears once they reach second grade. It wasn't cool anymore nor was it a great conversation starter to use to make new friends. All the girls in her class had a fancy phone or were obsessed with the new fashion trends but Flo never understood the appeal. Now, as she clutched onto her only friend, she vowed to never sway her mind for anyone but him, Mr. Wuggles. Very careful not to him, she held onto the railing as she descended the stairs.

The steps creaked under her feet and she imagined falling through one of the stairs disappearing forever to a magical place. Flo would meet lots of new people that liked stuff animals and Mulan. They would talk to her, give her gifts and smile when she was near them. They would be her friends!

That would be so cool. I'd be just like Alice in Wonderland, she thought.

Once she hit the bottom of the railing, Florence swiveled her head around and looked toward the kitchen where voices could be heard. Her eyebrows furrowed and she pursed her lips, not used to having people over at the house. Flo's mom always told her  that her new dad didn't like when people came over. It made him feel sad and gloomy. Florence knew what that feeling was like and hated it dearly, so she never invited people over to her house because she didn't want her new dad to feel that way too.

She was tempted to peek into the kitchen to catch a glimpse of the strangers, but thought against it once a deep voice penetrated the air.

"It's a deal."

Tightening her grip on Mr. Wuggles, she walked to the living room, ready to sit down until her mother called her again. Florence learned to never walk into big people's conversations and that it was rude to approach her mother when she was busy with something else. She just had to wait until someone realized that she was in the room. This was often a lengthy process.

Perched in her seat, she could see two men in expensive outfits carrying bags standing near the granite counters. Her new dad was speaking to them in hushed whispers, while her mother talked to the pretty lady that accompanied them. Flo saw how her mother over exaggerated her laughter at certain moments, putting on a show for the other close woman. She itched to ask why her mom was smiling when there was seemingly nothing to smile about.

Minutes passed like hours as she sat there, growing lonely and sad all the while. She wished her parents were like her classmates' parents. Flo always saw them bring in cookies and snacks for their children, kissing them goodbye and speaking with words of love. She had never gotten that. She couldn't remember the last time her real dad told her he loved her or called to catch up. It was a hard thought to handle.

The doorbell rang and she jumped in her seat, slightly frightened at the sudden spook. There are so many odd things occurring today. First there are strangers in her home and now someone is voluntarily ringing her doorbell? Flo couldn't wait to write about this exciting day in her new journal.

She knew that she wasn't allowed to answer the door as that is a strictly enforced rule in her home. But, her parents didn't seem to hear it, and she was confused whether or not to interrupt them. They told her to never interrupt them, but they also always told her to never answer the door, which contradicts the conclusion of rudely leave the visitor waiting.

Maybe they'll be happy if I opened the door for them. It might show that I'm a big girl now.

Excited, she dropped Mr. Wuggles and ran to the door, careful not to run into the coffee table that was perched in the center of the room. Her heart was beating quickly and she had wide, inquisitive eyes. This was such an adventure! She breathed softly and turned the knob.


This was the first thought she had once she opened the door. It was a boy no taller than she. His parents stood behind him, and they peered down at her with friendly interest. She ignored them, however, and focused on the boy in front of her. He had pretty brown eyes and a noticeably strong nose. She only saw faces like his on television before now.

Maybe he's a super-star! Maybe he's Prince Charming. I can be a princess now!

She watched as his brown gaze traveled from the wreathe on the door to her.

She smiled at him and he smiled back.

She instantly fell in love.

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