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tacenda (n.)- things better left unsaid; matters to be passed over in silence

)- things better left unsaid; matters to be passed over in silence •••••

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WEDNESDAY rolled around like a freight train

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WEDNESDAY rolled around like a freight train. The week had flown by quickly, the events from before taking place in the back of his and her minds.

They decided to watch a movie, and catch up on events that occurred before they became so preoccupied by school. Archer brought the popcorn and soda while she provided candy and other sweets. The movie they picked out was one of their favorites. They watched it so many times that the lines could be easily recited by memory. The pull-out couch was occupied by their tightly woven bodies, their arms tangled around one another.

"You're so warm... like a big teddy bear-- my teddy bear," he mumbles into her hair. It smells like coconut and mangoes, a scent he could distinctly remember from all the times he hugged her. She flushes at his comment and digs her face further into his shirt, shifting only to continue watching the movie in front of them.

He realizes that her attention is elsewhere when he wants it to be on him. He grabs her hand, intertwining their fingers, and holds it tightly. After he did that, he turns back to the movie and apparently relaxed. She, however, is internally freaking out over the affectionate touch. The warmth that spread from his palm into hers, and the softness of the skin, gave reason for her heart to soar. She closes her eyes and exhales, never wanting the moment to end.

Then it did.

It was about thirty minutes into the movie when they were interrupted. His phone rung. He jumps to grab it, detangling his hand from hers. Her eyebrows furrows and she bites her lip in an effort to stop herself from asking who was on the line. That didn't work though.

"Who's that?" She asks curiously, at this hour expecting his answer to be either his mom or one of his soccer friends inviting him to a party this weekend.

"Uh-- Look, I have to go. Caroline wants me to meet her at the mall with James and Eddy," he mumbles quickly, not looking at her as he replied. A small smile crept onto his face as he read the text message in front of him. Her previous smile, however, fell as fast as lightning.

Her heart clenches, painfully balling up and crumpling inward, but she slowly nods. She doesn't argue with him about the debatable trustworthiness of Caroline's intentions or implore him to stay. She wants to do so, tapping her fingers against her thigh and feeling her palms become sweaty. In a single word, she was disappointed. This was the first time in weeks that they actually hung out without the disturbance of everyone else. She isn't usually selfish, but she wants him all to herself, if only for once.

"Alright. Are you coming over again tonight?"

"Yeah-- I'll try. Depends on when they send me home." He replies nonchalantly, glued to his phone now.

She sighs and stands up, preparing to let him out and continue the movie alone. He stands with her and they both walked to the front door in tense silence.

"Can I at least get a hug goodbye?" he says cheekily.

She sheepishly smiles and opens her arms, silently accepting his answer and forgiving him for leaving. That is her biggest problem. She could never say no, and she always forgives his pretty face, no matter whether he seems to have good intentions or he steps on her and leaves the shattered pieces to be blown away by the wind. She would always love him, no matter what.


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