Emotional Truth

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"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER!!!!" Lauren screamed hysterically, making Leah jump and turn around looking at her in shock and surprise.

She took in Lauren's face, and the fierce look she was shooting the man behind her, quickly moving out of the way of the obvious confrontation coming.

Brad chuckled, smirking at Lauren as he raked his eyes along Leah slowly making Lauren snap.

Camila and Sofie had rushed outside when Lauren left hoping to calm the woman, they stopped as soon as they heard Lauren scream, searching the area outside to see Leah by a man that apparently was sending Lauren off the deep end.

Seeing his eyes, and realizing who he probably was, snapped Camila out of her frozen state as she yelled, Leah get away from him now!"

She had seen the look in his eyes as he had looked at the teen, and was about to attack him herself when Lauren beat her to it.

Rushing him, Lauren punched him hard enough to reel his head back. He recovered, grabbing her flailing arms as she went to hit him again and used his momentum to twist her around, holding her against his body tightly.

Camila rushed forward screaming, "Let her go NOW!"

He was inhaling the sweet scent of Lauren's hair, when Lauren used her heel to slam down on his shoe making him yell out in pain as she pulled forward and reared back, breaking his nose as she head butted him from behind.

He released her as he yelled and Lauren was on him in a second.

"Never come near her again or I WILL KiILL YOU!!!" Lauren shouted punching him in the face before he scrambled away from her.

Ally or Sofie must have called the police, because they could hear the siren's coming, and Lauren watched as Brad got to his feet, giving her a hateful glare as he did.

"You won't keep me from what is mine!" He spit out, before running away from the approaching sirens.

"She will never be yours!" Lauren screamed grabbing her head in almost hysterics.

He disappeared through the crowded streets of Miami and once he was gone, Lauren fell to her knee's with a scream as she remembered his hands on her body. It had taken her years to push that out of her mind, only for fresh memories to take their place.

Camila waved Sofie to take a scared Leah inside as she approached the near hysterical woman, and got on her own knees, careful not to touch her.

"He's gone Lauren. The police are coming, but to catch him, we're going to need you to calm down. We have to find out how he knows Leah okay? Think of Leah." Camila whispered softly so only Lauren could hear. A crowd of worried people were waiting to see if the threat was gone.

Lauren closed her eyes, shoving him from her memory, and imagined her baby girl. The baby that had nursed in her arms, the innocent teen that was now going to have to find out what kind of man she had been fathered by.

She felt calm enough to stand, her cheeks wet with tears and wiped them with shaking hands as she tried to get up, weak from the adrenaline she had used against him.

Camila stood up, offering her hand to her and was relieved when Lauren's shaking hands gripped her own, grateful for the help.

Lauren got her phone out of her jacket pocket, and dialed Dinah's number. When Dinah answered, Lauren said,"Get to 4th street now. Brad just made contact with Leah and from what I can see it wasn't the first time. We got into a scuffle so there's that."

Dinah started shouting in panic, which Lauren ignored as she hung up, and dialed Rose.

When she answered, she said,"Pick up Jesse and take him to the hospital with Demi and stay there. Brad just tried to interact with Leah and we got into a very bad fight. This isn't a fucking coincidence. "

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