Living while you can...

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The canvassing had proven successful when Dinah got a call that they had sighted Brad in the town east of them. Lauren and Dinah had rushed to the sighting, and we're disappointed that he had yet again managed to escape them, but relieved that the girl he had intended to attack was unhurt.

A young girl by the name of Abby, that looked as if she was a cousin of Lauren by how alike they looked.

The teen and her parents were thankful of the warning, because without it, the neighbor who the parents had shown the photo in case of a home abduction had spotted Brad sneaking around the side of the house and had called the police as well as shouted the whole block awake in effort to halt Brad's plans.

The men that had come out of their houses in panic had chased Brad for almost a mile, and had only stopped when they saw him get into a green rusted Toyota truck. Dinah had her men searching for the car, and was positive the first thing he would do would be ditching it, but hoped he would leave behind evidence of any kind that could help them find where he was holing himself up in.

Lauren was walking back to the car after going over the statements with Dinah for hours and was nearly shaking in her anger. Dinah looked at her friend with a sigh and said, "He didn't get her Lauren. Yeah, we still don't know where he is, but your idea did stop that kid from being raped. It means we're on the right track. Try to look at the positive in this situation."

Lauren wanted to lash out, but bit her tongue, knowing her friend was as exhausted as she was, and just trying to give the small comfort she could.

Lauren nodded, giving Dinah a small smile before turning and getting into her car with a sigh. Dinah got into the passenger side of the front seat and she couldn't help but wonder when this was all going to end. If Brad was trying to drive them crazy, then she couldn't help but think he was succeeding, and that just pissed her off.

The call had come in the middle of the night on a Friday, and as hurried as they were tried to be as quiet as they could when leaving the house, not wanting to get anyone's hopes up. When They pulled into the house, they both felt guilt at the light that was on in the living room, and gave each other sympathetic eyes as they trudged inside.

Walking into the living room, they saw Camila, Normani and Leah watching a movie on the tv quietly, making sure not to wake the others sleeping.

"What are you guys doing up so early? It's almost four am." Lauren whispered, taking off her coat hanging it up with a small smile.

"I heard you get up and couldn't go back to sleep. I was worried something might happen, and I didn't want to miss the phone if it did." Leah whispered sheepishly from her spot next to Camila on the couch.

Lauren gave her daughter a soft smile, touched that the teen cared so much for her, especially only having known her for a couple weeks.

"I felt Leah wake up and couldn't go back to sleep. We were in here for a couple minutes before we heard Normani walking up. Apparently she woke up when Dinah left and needed comfort too. So we decided to help each other out and distract ourselves until you both got home." Camila added, giving Lauren a smile as Normani did the same with Dinah.

Lauren walked over and sat next to Leah with a smile and asked, "You tired enough to sleep now that you know I'm okay?"

Leah met her mother's eyes and said," Not really. Can you tell me what happened? Please."

Sighing, Lauren hugged her teen close, meeting Camila's worried eyes as she said, "He tried to attack someone else, but luckily the meeting we had was fruitful. A neighbor caught sight of him as he was getting a late snack and called the police along with waking the whole neighborhood with his screaming. Brad got away, but the girl is safe. He didn't get close enough to touch her."

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