Breathing again

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Lauren struggled the next couple months..... emotionally, physically, ...spiritually.

Demi and Rose were becoming increasingly worried. It seemed that now That little Leah was out of Lauren, she had taken steps back in her recovery, and both were blaming themselves for not recognizing the front she obviously put on during her pregnancy.

Normani and Dinah would come by daily bringing her home work through her recovery, and had more often than not found Lauren in bed, Rose hovering by her door worried.

At first they tried to interact with her, hoping to draw out a response, but quickly gave up deciding this was something Lauren needed to work through on her own. So every day they each took turns laying in bed with her for hours, hoping to give her some kind of comfort.

Demi was pacing the Cabello front yard gripping her phone tightly as her wife called telling her that Lauren had a nightmare that sent her into a frenzy, making her trash her room and breakdown.

Yet to deliver the formula run she was there for, distracted by her wife's phone call, Demi trudged up the stairs to the Cabello's front door, knocking hurriedly anxious to get home.

Her family needed her, so deciding she would call into work she relaxed slightly, but the worried expression was still on her face when Sinuhe answered the door.

"Come in Demi! I have something for Lauren." Sinuhe exclaimed taking the cooler and pulling the anxious woman inside.

"I really have to get home... Lauren's having a bad day." Demi anxiously stated looking around the house, impressed by it homey feel ing it had when it was so large.

Sinuhe was quick to grab a parcel that was wrapped in pink cloth with a bow tying it together and handing it to Demi with a small smile.

"Maybe this will help her." Sinuhe replied, with a smile.

Demi smiled for the first time in as many minutes since the she received the worried phone call from her wife, and quickly said her goodbyes, eager to give the parcel to Lauren.

Sinuhe waved her off with a smile, and Demi called her boss from the car, thankful that he was being understanding about her family situation.

When she finally made it home, she walked into the house seeing her wife on the couch with her head in her hands. Hearing the door open, she looked seeing Demi waving the parcel at her as she jerked her head towards the stairs towards Lauren room.

Rose jumped up, curious and eager to see if what Demi carried would make a difference for their daughter.

They made it up the stairs, hearing Normani and Dinah comforting her inside the room, and knocked gently, entering when they heard a soft "Come in."

Demi entered the room with her wife, ignoring all the clothes and books tossed around the room and made her way to the bed, sitting next to her quietly holding up the parcel for her to see.

Lauren who had been staring down at the bed, noticed it from the corner of her eye, and turned her head to stare at it.

Her eyes drank it in, and couldn't seem to take her eyes away from it.

"Sinuhe gave me this for you." Demi told her softly, placing it in her lap carefully.

Lauren stared down at it, as if unsure what to do.

After a minute or so, her hand lifted running shaky fingers along the cloth so gently, as if to make sure it wasn't a apparition staring up at her.

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