Chapter 1 : Vacation

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Chapter 1

Riker POV

"Come on Riker! Get your butt downstairs, or we're leaving without you!" Mom yelled up the stairs.

"Hold on! I'm coming!"

I shoved a few more things into my suitcase, and made my way downstairs, and out to the car. We were heading to a cabin in the Rocky Mountains for a ski trip. I was so excited.

I put my suitcase in the back of the van, and then got in, sitting between Ross and Rydel. It was kind of squishy back here, but it's fine. I'm just happy we're going on this trip. I've been looking forward to it since forever.

Dad started the van, and we were officially on our way.


Riker POV

After hours of talking, food breaks, and a few rest stops, we were finally here. And there was snow everywhere. I loved it.

Dad got the key from the check in building. We found our cabin, and brought our stuff inside.

I had a room upstairs with Rocky. We had a room across the hall from Ross and Ryland. And then Rydel was down the hall from us.

I unpacked my stuff. Then I went downstairs. I was really hungry. We'd stopped for food like 3 hours ago.

It was actually sort of cool how this place was laid out. There were cabins in one area, the ski resort in one area, and then the check in area was in the center, and it served food.

"Mom, can I go walk to the food thingy?" I asked, walking into the living room.

"Sure. But take one of your siblings with you, ok?"


Ross was the first person I saw, so I grabbed him, and we left. It was a good thing I was wearing my snow boots because there was snow all over.

We went inside, and found the cafeteria area. I was starving!

It was kind of late, so we'd missed dinner. But there were still things that were out that we could eat. I made myself a bagel, and so did Ross. We sat down at a table to eat.

I noticed a family walk down. There was a mom, a dad, and 2 sisters. One of them was probably like 15. And the other was probably around 21, which was my age. I caught myself staring, and looked down at my plate instead.

But my eyes kept drifting up to the girl.

"What are you looking at?" Ross asked, turning around.

"No, don't look!" I whisper shouted.

"Why? What is it?"

"The most beautiful girl on earth."

Ross rolled his eyes.

"What? I'm single. There's nothing wrong with looking at pretty girls."

"Riker, this is a family vacation. Key work being 'family' ok? This isn't a 'Riker looks for a girl' vacation."

"Yeah, well we'll just see what happens."

I kept my eye on the girl the whole time I was here. And her family all left, leaving her down here alone.

"Riker, can we go back to our cabin now?" Ross whined.

"No. I want to go talk to that girl."

"Riker, no. Let's just go back already, ok? I'm tired."

"No, you're not going back until I talk to her. And since I have the key, you're stuck here."

I got up, and walked over to the girl. I sat down at her table across from her.

"Hey," I said, smiling.

"Hey. You're from that band, right?"

"R5. Yeah. I'm Riker. Um... I was just wondering if I could get your name, and possibly phone number. You're really pretty."

"Aw, thanks. Well, my name is Ava. And if you give me your phone, I can put my number in. But if you're thinking about dating me, you might want to meet my father first. None of my boyfriends have lasted more than a week."

"Why?" I asked, handing her my phone.

"He's really overprotective of me and my sister. He has the perfect boyfriends in mind for me and my sister, and no boy ever lives up to his expectations because his expectations are impossible."

"Ah... Well... I'd like to give it a shot if it's ok with you."

"Sure. I'm hoping to get a long term boyfriend one of these days. But my dad is making it impossible."

"Well we'll just see what happens."

"Oh, is that your brother over there?" She asked, pointing to Ross.


"My sister is like in love with him, so if he doesn't want to be attacked by a crazy fan girl, you should tell him to stay away."

I laughed a little.

"Ok. Thanks for the warning. Wait. So you said you know me from R5, right?"

"Yeah. My sister plays your music all the time. And she's obsessed with Austin and Ally."

"Oh boy..."

Ava laughed.

"Yeah, she might go a little crazy if she sees you guys here."

"That's ok. We're all sort of used to it."

"Riker, can we please go now?" Ross asked, walking over.

"Rude," I mumbled, giving him a look.

He put his hand on my shoulder, and dug his fingernails into my skin.

"Ok, we can go. Stop it," I said, pushing his hand off.

"Good. I've been waiting forever."

"I'll text you later Ava," I said, getting dragged away by Ross.

As soon as we were outside, I started yelling at Ross.

"You can't interrupt me when I'm talking to a girl! She might be my future girlfriend! And you could've ruined it! You're lucky she knows we're from R5!"

"Can you stop yelling? You're so loud and annoying."


We got back to the cabin, and went inside. I went upstairs, and took a shower. I changed into my pjs, and then crawled into my bed. I was really tired. But I decided to send Ava a text before I went to bed.

"Hey. It's Riker."

"Hey, Riker."

"So are you going skiing and stuff tomorrow?"

"Yup. You?"

"Yup. I'll see you there."

"Ok. See you tomorrow, Riker."

I smiled, and put my phone under my pillow. Rocky shut off the light, and we both went to sleep.

A/N : Hope you like my new story. It's Christmas themed because Christmas is coming up.

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