Chapter one

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"Detention tonight Miss Granger for yelling out of turn, and 50 points from Slytherin for spilling a lethal potion on to Miss Grangers robes!" Yelled Snape. Bloody hell! I was hoping to get some homework done then take a long nap before dinner! Looks like that's not happening. I sighed, Snape always give out detentions so he can get random students to clean his equipment and re-order potions. Ever since the start of 6th term he has given out a lot. "As for you Mr Malfoy I suggest that you start on your little mess." Snape sneers. "CLASS DISMISSED!" He yells as I gather up my things. I start to the door, suddenly my body topples over and in lay on the cold floor in shock. "I suggest that you start looking where you are going you stupid filthy Mudblood and try to not trip on my shoes, I don't want your "Mudblood" on me!"Malfoy sneers. I just mumble a stream of curse words and stand up. I gather my books from the floor and dart to the door. "Miss Granger I want you at my office at 6 for detention." Snape growled at me as I quietly mumbled "yes sir" under my breath. With that said I run out of the door and to dinner.
I ran to the common room to drop off my books and started to the great hall. I was in a rush that I didn't realize that Malfoy had gotten out of Snape's classroom and slipped a small dark red potion into my cup when he was annoying Harry. I just sat down with Ginny and Harry, after he left, as Ron was most likely snogging Lavender some place. We started on dinner when I started to feel really dizzy and sick. I tried to shake the feeling off when I heard the bell strike 6. I mumbled about Snape and detention to Harry and started to the dungeons to serve detention with the worst teacher ever and with the worst migraine ever.

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