Chapter 3

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Ok a few things need to be said...
-I am in a very stressful time at the current moment.
Causes of my stress:
-play that is not working out and stressing the sh*t outta me.
-ice show that I need to miss the matinee show for the play, to do
-random CPS calls and sh*t for things my family didn't do
-and I'm on my bloody period!!!!!!!

Ok I think I have poisoned enough young minds...

I tripped when I heard the scream and knocked over Albus. I quickly stood up and looked over at the pale girl sitting straight up in bed. "Miss. Granger are you quite all...." Albus started but was cut off when Miss. Granger thrust her head over the side of the bed and vomited on the wood floor.

I looked at her and saw a 16 year old that looked like she had just been thrown off a cliff into a churning sea below. She was sweating up a storm and looked like a zombie. Her eyes rolled back in her head as she fell back on the bed. She started to shake and yell in pain. I rushed up to her and put my had on her head.

She suddenly stopped when my hand touched her skin. Her eyes opened and she gasped "Snape!" Before passing back out.

Albus magicked away the vomit and I wiped up the sweat from Grangers brow.

"Wait, I think they did add the extra ingredients!" Albus said with his normal calm voice.

That just ticked me off, a student has just ingested a potion that could be life threatening.

I put my fingers to her lips and smelled for any potion.
I could smell mint and parsley but the most overwhelming smell was of nightshade.

And that was not good.

Nightshade was deadly and could kill within a hour if pared with mint and parsley.

"Albus! I believe she has ingested a deadly nightshade poison that has been pared with mint and parsley, that must explain the vomiting and screaming." I said with urgency in my voice.

This type of potion was created by the Malfoy family decades ago, and apparently every Malfoy knows how to brew it.

This had to have been Mr Malfoy.

"Albus I know who did this to her." I quickly explained. "The nightshade potion was created by the Malfoys and no one else knows how to brew it other than me and them.

"Go get Mr Malfoy,we need the antidote!" Albus said.

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