Chapter 2

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I felt so sick and horrendous as I knocked quietly on the door. It flung open as a growl echoed around the cold empty class. "ENTER! Miss granger and you can start on organizing the shelfs back there." He then looked and my pale face and shallow eyes and I saw concern in his eyes for a second the he said, "Miss Granger you look ill are you ok?" He looked right at at me as I said that I was fine as I hurried to the shelfs in the back. I started feeling even worse as I started to work.

That's when I slumped forward hit my head on the shelf and fell to the floor as complete blackness clouded my vision.
Snape's POV
I heard a thump then a wham as Miss Granger slumped forward hit her head on the shelf the fell back to the floor. I shot up and rushed to see blood and a very pale and sick Gryffindor on the floor. I sweeped her up in my arms and ran to find help I rushed to the Great Hall and rushed to Dumbledore.

He quickly shot up and motioned me to follow him. We hurried to his healing room that was located on the 8th floor. I hurried in a flurry of robes and blood from Miss Grangers head. I stuck my hand in my robe pocket and realized I didn't have my wand I most likely dropped it. I silently cursed myself for being stupid in a time of need.

Dumbledore levitated Miss Granger from my arms and to the top floor. The blood continued dripping and splattering on the age old floors. I sprinted up the stair cases following the headmaster.

We finally reached the room as he flung the doors open. Madam Pomfrey was at St Mungos on a emergency, so we couldn't go to the hospital wing.

Albus put a very pale Miss Granger on the wood table as I started to gather up bottles of pain, fever, blood reviver, and a extra wand since mine was lost in the crazy commotion.

I heard Albus mutter incantations on to Miss Grangers body. "I must say that who ever put this curse on her was very careless, you see bloodworm and fox ear need to be boiled before placed in the potion, that creates the blistering and swelling and screams." Albus said calmly. "But headmaster how do you know this?" I asked in disbelief. How could someone hurt a innocent Mudblo.... SHUT UP!!! You, Snape, will not call her that filthy name....

My thoughts where interrupted by a scream that could of woke the dead.

Hey my furry little Harry potter loving kittens! I love u!
Ok I know that this is a new story and that it may some how copy some other story but I thought up the idea off Pinterest one day so it's not my fault!
Anyways I got my first comment and I'm so happy! People don't normally comment on my crappy books....

*hides in corner most days*

Anyway thx to Alex379

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