Chapter 8

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Sorry guys but imma continue the story!!!!!

I awoke in my own bed in the dorm rooms.

I just stayed in bed thinking of what had happened in the last few days.

Malfoy taunting me and almost killing me, me almost killing myself, and a dark wizard named Snape.

I stood up and made my way to the common room.

My head starts hurting and I touch my forehead and feel a large scar there.

I thought that was gone already?

I quickly walk down stairs and into the common room.

"Hermione! Thank god you ok!" Harry yells.

"Why wouldn't I?" I question confused.

"Malfoy gave you a lethal potion and you passed out, only to be saved by Snape." Harry said while hugging me.

"Wait what about the whomping willow? And me almost killing myself?" I say, seeing as he hadn't mentioned that.

He looks at me confused, I look at him shocked.

"Nothing of the sort happened Hermione, are you ok?" Ron says.

I look into the fire that is conveniently heating up the common room.

If that didn't happen then what did happen?

"Harry? What has happened?" I ask uncertainty raising in my voice.

"You had detention with Snape and you ended up getting ill because of a potion that Malfoy put in your drink, Snape saved you because he recognized that the potion was very dangerous." He takes a breath. "You've been out for about two weeks..." he concludes.

I look at him.

Suddenly the painting bursts open and Snape runs in.

"Hermione thank god your ok!" He yells as he engulfs me in a hug.




I mean I'm not complaining, he is kinda cute....

"I love you Hermione...." he says in a whisper..

"I do to..." I say.

Hahaha it's over!!!!

Hope u enjoyed it!!!!!


Jim Moriarty: Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii

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