Chapter 7

497 19 3

Hermione's POV

I woke up to some muttering.

I couldn't see anything because my eyes where shut and I couldn't get the will power to open them.

Then I heard a deep baritone voice.

"Please please get up. You have been out cold for 2 weeks. Please Hermione, for me...." I opened my eyes to see a large swish of cloaks trail out the door.

I lay back down and instantly fall asleep.

I was greeted with the face of Albus Dumbledore.

"Poppy! I believe Miss. Granger has awaken."

That's when I realize the pain in my arm.

"Mmmmagh!" I mutter in pain as I close my eyes. Madam Pomfrey rushes in and starts with some diagnostic spells.

"How are you feeling Mudblood?" A sinister voice echoes in the wing.

"Draco! Be nice!" A different voice says.

I open my eyes and see the figure of Nacrassa Malfoy standing over me.

I scream.

I can't control it. Im really scared, she let Bellatrix harm me and did nothing!

I keep screaming.

I start to shake uncontrollably in the bed.

Then everything goes black.

Sorry that it's short.....

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