Merry Christmas my baby

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Another year has come to a end!

I wish all of you a happy holidays, even if you don't celebrate and I hope you are all same and happy in the new year!!!!!!!

"What is all this stupid stuff my little know it all?"

"It's tinsel Sev..." Hermione giggles......

"And this monstrosity hanging above our heads?...." Snape sneers.

"Oh....that......that'" Hermione shudders...

"Yesss?" Snape smirks.

"Thats uh mistletoe.....uh....i...." Hermione stutters.

"And what do you do when there is mistletoe, my little know it all?" Snape smiles and he looks down at Hermiones blood red face.

"Uh uh.....kiss.....the other person......?" Hermione glances down.

Snape reaches for the blushing witches chin.

Her caramel eyes turn to his black starless pits.

Hermiones eyes close as she awaits the touch of another's lips.

Suddenly the pair feel something they have never felt before.....fireworks.

(Right down the hall)



"They are so darn cute!!!!"

"Shut up!"

"He is giving her the full treatment!!!!!"


(I present you with our resident shippers......)



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