Arc 0:Tsunayoshi Sawada

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Tsunayoshi Sawada, he was clumsy, kinder, and smarter then you'd expect. He wasn't 'normal'. Most seven year olds don't know how to hack. Most eight year olds don't get kidnapped by the Mafia and haven't made their bones by that time either.

The brunette escaped, and ran. He fled from Venice to Rome during the next few months. Barely surviving, doing the odd job, learning how to trap animals, and how to pickpocket safely. He survived, and then he ran into a gang.

And cursing his uselessness out loud as the gang approached, and surrounded him in the alley, then he found the courage to face them. And his brown eyes turned orange, and he felt faster, stronger, more...alive.

So he fought the gang, getting cut across his arm, and dodging desperately from the blows. Then Tsunayoshi Sawada met Renato Sinclair.

A blur of black knocking out the men.

He was almost unconscious, just seeing a glimpse of the man wearing the black suit that came to help him.

All he heard was the grunt of the black haired Italian with curly side burns as he came to. He reenergized, by..something. It was warm, and soft, and...for some reason yellow. Which he suspected was some how connected to the man. The fedora moved away from his face as the man stepped back.

"Hello, how are you?" The brunette said nonchalantly in Italian, as if he hadn't been almost mauled by a gang. The black haired man's lips twitched up into a smirk.

"Wonderful, I'm Reborn. And what's your name?" The man asked in Japanese, his voice was deep and held a small amount of amusement.

"Call me Tsuna." Tsuna said, blinking slightly at the shift in language.

"I'm guessing you don't have a family?" A onyx eyebrow was raised in question.

"Not here." Tsuna replied evenly(or as evenly as a ten year old could).

"You're the one that escaped from the Estraneo family, correct?"

"Yes." Tsuna replied softly, stiffening up and preparing to run.

"They've been destroyed."

A expression of disbelief crossed Tsunayoshi's face.

"I was one of the few that went to take them down. Experimenting especially on children is something I am against." Reborn said, a dark gleam coming to his eyes at the thought.

"So, you mean you're not going to take me back?"

"Even if I was, there's nothing to take you back to there."

And the brunette burst into tears.

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