Arc 5: The Varia II

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Reborn and Tsuna had been unable to attend because hitman wanted his godson to finish the new technique tonight. Therefore, Chrome, Gokudera, Takeshi, and Ryohei showed up at the next location.

The sports field was where the next battle arena would take place. Barbed wire fence created a circle. Eight motion detecting machine guns had been placed around the it. Many sensitive mines had been buried underneath the ground.

Hibari stalked up and ducked under the barbed wire without a word.

Levi-Than attempted to taunt Tsuna's side by pointing out how Tsuna was noticeably missing. But a cold glare from the four teens shut him up.

"The battle for the Ring of Cloud, Gola Mosco versus Kyoya Hibari. Begin!" 

Hibari slammed Gola Mosca down within five seconds. A arm was also disconnected from the large robot, the severed ends of electrical wires were visible and sparked. Hibari put the two half-rings together with a click. He apathetically lobbed it towards Reborn who swiped it out of the air with a smirk.

"You, over there, the one sitting there. Come down and fight me," Hibari challenged.

Xanxus smirked. He leapt over the fence. Hibari blocked Xanxus's foot with his tonfa.

"My foot slipped," Xanxus explained.

"Right," Hibari deadpanned.

"No, really. I only came down to retrieve that piece of junk. We have lost."

Hibari raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Your face tells a different story."

The damaged Gola Mosca fired bullets as Hibari swung and Xanxus dodged.

"Oh, don't worry, I won't raise an arm," Xanxus mockingly reassured.

However, that statement was quickly reversed as Xanxus was forced to block Hibari's strike with an arm.

A beam of light came from Gola Mosca and hit Hibari's leg. As the Cloud crouched and grimaced due to his wound, bombs were sent out from the robot and started raining down. The area was promptly engulfed in explosions.

"What was that? I only came to restrieve my junk. But I've been obstructed by their Cloud Guardian all this while. Now, Mosca's restraining system has been broken," Xanxus innoncetly explained.

The Gola Mosca zoomed around the arena, indiscriminately firing off bombs and beams of light. A sizeable chunk of the nearby school building was destroyed.

"Is that a compressed particle beam?" Gokudera questioned. "It's shooting all over the place!

Amid the fire, debris, and chaos, Xanxus laughed. "Bwahahaha! This is a terrible disaster!"

"That guys laughing," Takeshi pointed out with a frown.

"That crazy b*****d. He didn't care about the fight from the start. He just wanted to kill everybody and make it look like an accident! That's why he kept on provoking Hibari," Gokudera realized.

Chrome ducked under the barb wire fence. She immediately dropped to the ground when Gola Mosca pointed its gun barrel towards her. 

A wave of Sky Flames created a wall between Chrome and the robot. 

Tsuna stood in front of Chrome, a gloved hand outstretched and Sky Flames burning brightly around him. To protect his friends, Tsuna battered the Gola Mosca. However, no one but Xanxus was expecting an old man to fall out of the destroyed robot.

"The Ninth," people on both sides whispered and exclaimed. Xanxus chuckled.

"Nono?" Tsuna asked, his brown eyes wide as dessert plates.

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