Epilogue: Godson

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A new weapon had been made: Flame animals. Iemitsu had sent some to Tsuna and his Guardians as a sort of practical Christmas gift.

Tsuna was caught between screaming or awwing over the fact that his was a baby lion...on fire. Yeah, the last part was a bit weird.


It was Tsuna's first day of his third and last year of high school. *

The day started fine. Tsuna met up with his friends and walked to school. Along the way, Takeshi had made a comment and Gokudera had started quietly ranting about 'the annoying baseball idiot'. Takeshi joined in with the infuriated Gokudera's monologue for several seconds, nodding along and adding comments about his flaws. Their friends started laughing and Gokudera yelled at Takeshi.

Then, Tsuna had gone and messed the day up. His HI led him to notice the person watching him, and spooked the assassin. He then had to dodge bullets on the school rooftop. Takeshi and Gokudera showed up, and the three friends knocked the assassin out cold.


Tsuna woke up and pulled out his steel chain from under his shirt. The Sky Ring was warm.

He could still hear the accented voice, "To perish or to prosper Tsuna." The words ran around in his head, stern and unyielding. 

"I understand, I understand," Tsuna muttered. "All or nothing....hope I don't fail," he joked without a trace of real humor. 


Tsuna looked up from his textbook as the doorbell rang. "I'll get it!"

"Hello," a woman greeted. She had long bright pink hair. "I'm Bianchi, Hayato's older sister."

"Okay. And?" Tsuna questioned. He smiled, a fake smile. She wasn't lying, but something was off.

"Where's Hayato?" Bianchi replied. She twirled around a strand of her hair with a finger.

"Hayato is around but he's not here. I can take a message if you want." Tsuna narrowed his eyes.

"Okay. Tell him I said 'hi', will you? Oh, and here's a cake I made. Thanks for helping my brother." Bianchi smiled as she handed Tsuna a white cardboard box. It was the type of nice looking box stores would use for their baked goods.

Tsuna smiled back. "Of course. Have a great day." He dropped the smile after the door closed and immediately headed for the back yard.

There was something wrong with the cake Bianchi gave him. His Hyper Intuition led him to a shovel in the shed. Tsuna dug a hole and dropped the box in it.

He carefully lifted the box lid to peek inside. It looked like an ordinary cake...but it definitely wasn't. Tsuna's HI had spiked when he opened the lid. With a frown, he closed the lid and covered the box with dirt.


Tsuna: Your sister Bianchi stopped by
Tsuna: She was looking for you
Tsuna: She gave me a cake.
Gokudera: DON'T EAT IT.
Gokudera: All the food she makes is poisonous.
Tsuna: Figured something weird with it.
Tsuna: I put it in a hole in my backyard.
Gokudera: Oh thank God.
Tsuna: Do you know why she's here?
Gokudera: I have no idea what she's doing in Japan
Gokudera: We don't really talk


Tsuna: Hey Uncle Reborn
Tsuna: Do you have any idea why Gokudera's sister would be here?
Uncle Reborn: Probably, Bianchi heard that Gokudera is your Storm Guardian


"Hi," a woman said to Gokudera. She wore goggles over her face and had long pink hair.

Gokudera's eyes grew wide as dinner plates. "Aniki?"

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