Arc 4:Friends V

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12. I-Pin

It was an lazy afternoon in Namimori, Reborn and Tsuna were walking back home. Gokudera, Takeshi, and Ryohei had already split off from the duo to walk home.

Tsuna happily watched the leaves float and spin their way to the ground. Beside him, his godfather kept an eye on the environment. A sleepy Leon curled around Reborn's hat, the black fabric beneath the reptile was warm from the sun.

It would be incorrect to say that Reborn had been slouching, but he somehow managed to give off the impression that he straightened up. Leon got up, jumped down into Reborn's hand, and transformed into a lime green pistol.

"Chaos." The hitman turned around and greeted, his index finger a hairs-breadth from pulling the trigger. Tsuna had stopped watching the leaves and hid behind Reborn.

"Reborn." A man in a red da gau fu greeted. A serene smile was on his face. A small spindly monkey sat on the man's left shoulder. *

The hitman pulled his finger away from the trigger, but Leon remained in gun form. "What are you doing here Fon?"

"I came here to see my family."

"Doesn't explain why you're walking on the other side of Namimori." Reborn dryly pointed out.

"Currently, I'm looking for my apprentice, she wandered off. If you see a child in a red cheongsam, do send me a text." Fon requested. He strolled away at Reborn's nod of agreement.

Leon turned back into a chameleon, Reborn placed the lizard on his hat where Leon happily curled up once more.

Tsuna stared at the back of dangerous assassin that was now a red blur against the white pavement, black asphalt, brown trees, and pale houses.

"Reborn, who was that?"

Reborn tilted his head, thinking through mistakes, mistrust, and hours of companionable silence. "A...friend, of sorts."


"主 (Master)." Came the shy call and tug on the fearsome Hibari's pant leg.

The raven would have given a small smile at the cuteness of the child, if not for being mistaken for someone else. And that the person who he was obviously mistaken for was his uncle, who was currently in Japan.

"Name?" Hibari asked. Hibird chirped and landed on the child's head.

"主 ? (Master?)" The Chinese girl questioned.

"No." Hibari replied.

The girl apparently understood the answer, her cheeks turned pink from embarrassment, and she stopped holding Hibari's sleeve. A circle with a Chinese character appeared on her forehead.

The encounter did not end in a explosive disaster-pun intended-due to a worried mother's interference.

"Ah, are you lost?" A concerned brunette woman asked the girl. Startled out of her embarrassment, the timer stopped. Hibird flew off.

Hibari took the chance to disappear, determined to avoid anything regarding his uncle that day.


I-Pin and Lambo stared at each other. "Broccoli monster." Came the observation from the girl.

Lambo clenched his fists. He shouldn't hit a girl, according to Tsuna, Takeshi, and Ryohei. "Gotta stay calm, gotta stay calm..."

The raven burst into tears and reached into his afro. A purple bazooka was pulled out, the trigger pulled, and a puff of pink smoke enveloped the child.

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