Arc 2:Realtor

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Issac Valia, a calm black haired man of Hispanic and French descent, who was a realtor in Italy. He was involved in the Mafia, and was allied to the Chavallone. And he was supposed to be showing a apartment to a prospective buyer.

He opened the door. When he saw the black fedora with orange, curly sideburns, and face of Italian descent, he sighed. He was all and all, a very blasé man who took over the business from his father. He may not have had dealings with Arcobaleno, but being scared of people was not in his nature. He had morals, he had a family, and had too many brushes with death to care.

"Hello, welcome. You are Mister Sinclair, I presume."

"Chaos. Yes, I am, it's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Valia. Tsuna, say hello."

A older child looked at Isaac. The brunette was standing slightly behind and to the side of the hitman. The small kid's hesitancy alerted Valia's fatherly instincts to act calm.

"Hi." He said hesitantly.

"Hello, your name's Tsuna?" Valia said. A large smile was on his face.

"Tsunayoshi." The brunette said, smiling a bit, he could tell the realtor was what he would describe as a 'nice person.' The man's smile was real, he could feel it.

"It's nice to meet you. We'll proceed with our tour then." Valia said with a smile.

"Don't wander off Tsuna." Reborn warned Tsunayoshi.

The house was a two story apartment, two bedrooms, one bath, a kitchen, and living room.

After their departure, Valia chuckled at the mental sight of Reborn taking care of a child. And if he was right in who the child was related to...well. He was sure Reborn could handle it. Sinclair always had before. And if he wasn't then maybe some advice could help. Good thing he gave his realtor card. He always picked up every call on his cell phone after all.

Yes, I know, it's short. It could always be worse, at least I'm updating. Hiroto Maehara-Sawada and Returning a favor I'm having writer's block with. This one just has a lack of ideas. Any ideas then? That is, if you want me to write another chapter before skipping to the Japan arc.


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