Arc 1:Mission 1 Part 3

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Tsuna woke up trembling in his bed. The brunette shifted around in his cocoon of blankets. Hesitantly one foot was placed on the floor, the other following.

Tsuna crept down the hallway and turned the door knob.

The black fedora was placed on the night stand, and Leon was curled around a bed post.

Tsuna crawled into Reborn's bed.

The brunette shifted closer slowly. Large eyes blinking as they looked at the features of the sleeping Italian.

Tsuna crept up near Reborn's chest then half curled into a ball. "Good night." Tsuna whispered.

An onyx eye opened, his lip slightly curled up as he sighed softly. Tsuna had already fallen asleep against Reborn.

Reborn's arm curled around Tsuna. The hitman muttered under his breath about 'annoying brats' before placing his chin over the brunette's head.


My thanks to hinata-the-demon, HalaHyari, and Dcielo-10.

I'm super busy but I'm posting, so yay. (;


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