Chapter I - Remember

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Here's Chapter I of my second book! I hope you guys like it! I strongly recommend you read the first book before reading this one. ❄️

"Hold on. I don't get it. First of all... what the hell?!" I said gliding around Victor who was happily holding up a Contest flyer.

"You should get out. You've got talent, and you could even beat me." Yuri said solemnly, with a calm smile.

I turned apple red and started skating very quickly.

"Nope." I said as I exited the rink and took my skates off.

Victors smile turned around looked at me with pity. I don't even know if pity is the right word. I grabbed my gym bag and ran outside, only to run into Yuuri who was jogging with Maccachin. Yuuri attempted to greet me but I ran out of there so fast he couldn't even say it.

I arrived at the nearest back alley, and sat on the ground, my head faced down. It's not that easy. Tch. That old man. I guess Yuri's habit of calling Victor "Old Man" got to me. I like hiding in back alleys especially when I feel like crying. No one sees you. And you can cry all you want. Tears were already falling from my eyes and I felt like exploding. A few moments later a piece of cloth dropped on my head. It almost felt like a jacket. I looked up and saw Yuri, his hair braided up, wearing a fitted black shirt. On my head was his Russia Sports jacket.

"Yuri? You're making me a Coat hanger now?" I said as I tried to wipe my tears away without him noticing.

"Geez. You're hopeless." He said as he pulled the jacket over my head. He then picked me up, giving me a piggyback ride. "Wow, you're heavy." He said with a laugh.

"I could push you down right now." I said as he simply smiled and started to walk. "You don't have to give me a piggyback ride though." I said, my cheeks feeling very hot.

"Just go with it." He said in a low tone.

Things between us have gotten kinda awkward but at the same time we became even closer. Victor told the public that it was just an accident because Yuri tripped, but it wasn't as if the people would believe that. Whatever though. We haven't really been talking about that day. Things just went by smoothly and we were back to practicing our skating. The women's figure skating contest that Victor included me in was in the same event as Yuri's. The only difference was that it was for the Women's category. The skate will be held sometime next month.

While Yuri was carrying me on his back I felt his grip getting looser until he actually let go. My bum fell on the ground with a loud thump.

"THAT HURT YOU IDIOT! Wait where are we?" I shouted as I looked around. Without me even realizing, I was sitting on grass, and there was a flow of water, no, the river flow, just a few paces from my feet. Yuri dropped my gym back behind us and sat down beside me.

"You're sad right? Since this is the place you go to when you want to think, I thought I could drop you in the river" he said while looking at the flowing water.

"You really are a cruel person." I said with a laugh as I lied down on the soft, green, grass. The grass felt very comforting, like Yuri. It was green, like Yuri's eyes. And Soft like Yuri's Li-

"So, why won't you join the Women's Skating Championship?" He said as he interrupted my wierd thoughts.

"I... just can't. I don't know why. But being around so many people. I can't bring myself to skate on the same rink where that accident happened. I don't even wanna... remember." I explained as my eyes slowly filled up with tears again.

As I was tearing up while looking at the sky, Yuri suddenly pulled a paper bag out of his backpack. He opened it and some steam escaped from the bag. Then he took out a round bun and shoved it in my mouth.

"Pr-Piroshchi?" I said with a mouth full of Pirozhki.

"I don't know how to stop an annoying girl from crying so I thought food would do." He said as he stood up, grabbed my hand and helped me stand.

"I have a free skate next week, so I can't keep my eyes solely on you. I have more things to focus on." His arms crossed and his face looking very serious.

"I-I don't think I'll have to cause any trouble." I stuttered as I munched on the pirozhki.

"You might. I'm going to skate for you with all my heart next week, so you can atleast join the Women's Figure Skating since you owe me too." He said, his face looking very red, but his eyes were looking at me. I thought about it for a few seconds, and after my last bite of pirozhki, I looked at him eagerly.

"It's settled then." I said as I grabbed my heavy as hell gym bag.

Yuri's eyes widened and he just stood there, suprised at what I said.

"Gotta get emotionally prepared then! See you tomorrow, you idiot!" I said as I punched him on his arm jokingly and ran back home.

The two Yuri's have free skates to focus on. And I have a Women's Championship to focus on. Victor chose me because he trusted me and He must have seen something in me. So I should trust him too.

Morning arrived and I hurrily jolted to the shower. I decided to jog to the skating rink to prep myself for practice. Victor has already chosen what my music will be since I entrusted it to him. Because I still know very little about Figure skating as a professional.

As I was jogging I bumped into Yuuri, who was walking Maccachin. He was wearing a jacket so he was probably heading to the rink too.

"Yuuri, Ohayo! Are you bringing Maccachin with you?" I said as I ran towards him, breathing heavily.

"Oh, (Y/N). Ohayo. I'm just about to bring Maccachin back home and head to the rink. You getting in shape for the Women's Skate?" He asked with a sweet smile.

"Yeah. If only Victor hadn't signed me up there though." I said with a sarcastic smile. I then headed to the rink first since he said he was just gonna catch up.

I arrived at the rink early. Neither Victor nor Yuri were there yet so I decided to take a break on the bench first. After a a few minutes of resting I put some skates on and head to the rink side to stretch.

I then headed to the middle of the rink tried doing some jumps. My landing is a bit rusty after 5 years of not skating, but I was getting better again. And for 5 years I've been wearing only pants and leggings, so that I could hide my embarrasing scar.

When I landed my 3rd jump, I heard some footsteps, so I stopped and looked at who it was. When I looked back I saw Victor who was looking at me with a surpised face, Yuuri who was looking at me with a smile, and Yuri who was glaring unproudly at me. How scary.

I glided back to rink side and confronted Victor with determination. As I stood in front of three super-talented and skilled skaters, I bowed my head and asked Victor with all my heart.

"Help me get my pride back. PLEASE!" I said as my eyes got a bit teary again. I'm such a cry-baby, I hate it. A hand suddenly grabbed my face gently. The hand lifted my head and I was now looking at Victor who was looking me in the eye, with a soft smile and shining eyes.

"Great, then get me a Gold Medal in return." He said as he held the back of my head and pulled me close to him, hugging me very tightly. I can see Yuri glaring at us in the background.

"You got it." I said, my head still on his shoulder.


And so Chapter 1 is done! I'm keeping things mellow again for now. It will get better in the next chapters. ❤️

- Neko-chan 💉

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