Chapter 15

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Just sat there drinking champagne and listening  to Hello Monsta by Boyinaband, Minx and Markiplier /BTW awesome song!/ and thought I should update this!

Chapter 15

After few minutes of laughter and randomness I pulled myself together and looked at Cry.

"Ok guys. I think it's been enough time to everyone to get here. Shall we start?" I did a little dance hearing agreement. "So. Cry's dying right now. So he won't be playing. I'm hosting and actually he is right next to me." Cry murmured a 'hi' in response. "Yeah, he's totally dying. So anyway let's play games!" I laughed along with the others and started up Hawken

This time I wasn't that good because I kept an eye out for Cry and that leaded me to dying several times.

"OOOOOOOOOHHH!" Russ got a nice shot and I was left with an open mouth and wide eyes.

"Jesus, Russ!" Snake was surprised too.

"What did I miss?" Red popped up.

"Hey, babe." Russ made a kissy face and Red blushed with me snickering in the background.


"How's you night, Red?" I asked looking over at Skype.

"All good, all good. How about you guys? Where's Cry?" She turned on her facecam fixing her red hair.

"I'm dying." He let out.

"Cry, shush. You sleep." I pointed at him. "But yeah, Cry's sick."

-a lil bit of time skip-

"Shadow why are you good at video games?" Scott shouted and I just giggled. Cry whimpered and I immediately looked at him.

"Cry you ok?" I pulled away his headset and sat on his bed stroking his dark brown hair. Cry shook his head and I sighed. "I'm gonna get you some painkillers. Sleep still." I got him the pills and he gave me a small nod in return. "Now try to get some sleep. I'll be quiet." Sitting back and looking over the stream chat I noticed that almost everyone's is telling how sorry they are for Cry. I sighed and turned back to the game and saw that all of my worms except one are dead. "Guys c'mon. You really did this?" I chuckled looking Scott attempt a skillshot which he failed at. Oh! My turn. I smirked evilly seeing a great opportunity. I picked the water jet pack and flew up and chuckled like a mad man seeing Russ', Scott's and Snake's worms slide down from the hill and plop into water but the best part was that I still had time to do something. So I pulled out a shotgun and pointed it at Snake.

"Sarah, we can talk this out..." he said calmly but I shook my head still having a crazy grin on my face and fired. Snake's worm flew in the air and exploded. I still had one bullet.

"What'chu looking at, huh?" I dragged my worm towards Russ' last worm with 28 health. That'll do. I aimed and fired. And Chris Silent was dead.

"Huehuehuehue" I laughed and I saw Snake shake his head and that made me laugh even more.

"Heyyyy." Scott jumped right in front of my worm and pulled out his shotgun. Shit.

"Scott.. Hey. You know I see you are really good at p---" he fired. "Oh." And his cute 'hahaha' was heard. "Never mind. You suck." I pouted and they all snickered.

 "How's the stream going?" Cry hugged the pillow and turned on his belly.

"Nice and smoothly. Well I hope so!" I stuttered and chuckled

"Yah, it's good." Ken agreed and suddenly my phone vibrated and Cry's sneeze came up. Well, fuck.

"Bless yo face, Cry." Scott said and I mentally slapped myself.

"I should leave..." I whispered and I heard everyone laugh when they realized it was my SMS signal.


Happy New Year, everyone!

Wishing you 12 months of happiness,

52 weeks of fun,

365 days of laughter,

8760 hours of good luck,

525600 minutes of joy and

31536000 seconds of success

in 2014!

Thanks for all the support on this fanfic, thanks for reading ,voting and commenting.

Thank you for being you!


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