Chapter 3: Watch Out

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It didn’t take very long until the emotional trauma occurred. Both Lucia and Leo started to realize that they could be the last survivors in the country, if not the state. "This is crazy, but we have to fight if we ever hope to even live in peace." said Leo. Lucia stayed silent because she agreed, but mostly because she was suffering from thirst. Leo passed the canteen to her and signaled her to stay quiet with his hand. "Ammunition's running low as well as food, we have to move" said Leo, Lucia could barely move, Leo put his bag on Lucia's back and picked her up. As they walked away, a masked stranger passed through the sides carefully unseen, as he watched the survivors walk away, he pulled his sniper rifle from his back cocked it back and aimed at Leo.

But the masked stranger decided against it. He had a better trick up his sleeve...

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