Chapter 4: The Perfect Shot

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Leo & Lucia trudged their way through the jungle they couldn't help but overhear an unsettling rustling nearby. Leo put Lucia down to sit and he walked around, gun in hand, to see what the rustling was. Soon enough, he found a basket. A basket full of food and water.

"Now where the hell did this come from..." Leo wondered aloud.

He looked up and saw a man. The man looked at him and said "oh well hello there. I'm Mark. I'm here to help you"


"yes, I see you have barely any supplies and I see your friend over there isn’t doing so well...she looks like she’s about to drop dead any second to be quite frank......." mark explained.

"What the...why are you here? Who sent you?" Leo asked.

"Someone did. But I am here to help just trus-"

"Why should I trust you anyway?"

"Because if you don't you'll die" and 'Mark' pulls out his sniper.

Leo slowly backs away from the man...

"You see, I was sent here to get rid of you two, so why not do it now when you're friend is so weak and helpless. She can’t help you. No one can. And once I kill you. I'll kill her. WAIT how about I kill her first and you can watch and speculate? You can take in the delightful horrors of death" said Mark deviously.

Lucia, who was hiding now, was trying to think about how she could save Leo...she had no strength...she had no energy...she WAS helpless.

But then she remembered...she had a gun hidden in her boot. A pistol. The strange man couldn’t see her so she can just shoot him.....but the problem is she only has one bullet.

Better make it count.

She positions the pistol towards her target...takes a minute to perfect her aim, and she shoots.

Perfect. Since the man was a head taller than Leo she got him straight in the forehead.

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