Chapter 10

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           So Luke and Leia came home safely except for the fact that now Luke is like all the other Jedi Skywalkers since he lost his hand and saber. Han was frozen and now the main plan is to get him back and it kinda reminded me on that time when we had to go save Kanan. I was able to get into contact with the Ghost Crew and they are all happy that Holly is back and they can't wait to see me again which would be great but I don't know when that will be at this point. Today me and Luke finally got back to that sand infested hell hole to save Han but we now have to wait for the droids to get in there so that our plan will work but I'm not sure that this long drawn out plan is worth it but that's what the Skywalkers did best so that's what we're doing until I can come up with something better and right now I can't  and that worries me.

      "Are they in yet?" I asked as I looked over his shoulder. It was something Ezra would do at a time like this and it's not like anyone had a problem and he knows that I have been trying to see anything about my Master but now I doubt that he's even alive anymore since it's been like twenty-something years since I last saw him and that's whats worrying me more than anything even on how the fact that Holly is alive.

       "Yes but we can't act just ye. Leia is going to try to get to Han and if that doesn't work then we'll go in. I know you want to go fight Jaba but we can't just yet we have to wait for the right moment," he said as I rolled my eyes. He knows that I need to fight somebody before I go even more crazy than I already am but when you have half of the weight of the galaxy to be in charge of and Holly is going just as crazy but she doesn't have to be in charge of the dark side like I do.

       "Well she needs to hurry up before I go in and handle these things because Jaba is going to be cut in half if she doesn't," I mumbled as he rolled his eyes. He decided that if Anakin oh wait I mean Vader was his father then Luke was going to act like a sarcastic person and it was killing me because I was the sarcastic person at most of the places that I was at but who knows anymore because I have been caring less and less now and that's not good because that means that I could either loose my music or I could end up going mute again and that's not one of my plans  for life.

        "How's having one of the highest ranking people in the Empire as your father?" I asked as I waited in the hut that was once a home to Obi-Wan Kenobi. It was his turn to look at me like I was crazy and he laughed but looked angry about it.

      "Oh well I know how you feel when you're forced to say that the Emperor himself kidnapped you. I never thought that it was this hard but who knew now," he said as he tracked Leia. I was teaching him how to do that with the force and it was hard on him but he was getting better at it than Ezra and that was saying a lot from what I heard from Hera and Sabine.

      "I never said that I liked that part of my life but the hardest part is when people ask you who your birth parents are and you have to explain  to them that the force gave birth to you because that's when it gets hard. Also when people ask how old you are when you try to buy a drink. If you end up becoming immortal good luck when you have to explain how that your immortal. That's the actual hard part of my life and I'm no going to bring up the fact that I have to hold the dark side  to the same balance as the light and I have no longer control of the light side which means that once the balance drops then I'm going to get a headache or worse," I rambled as I stood up to stretch.  I would go outside and run for a little bit but there is sand people now and I am so not in the mood for their shit because then the dark side will be stronger which won't help Luke, Leia, or the Rebels and that's the only reason that I have been having to contain the crazy and that's the hard part.

        "You win. Alright Leia is in and she's looking for Han now. She said that everyone is asleep and  that she is close so don't go outside but get ready. They can go to the others but we did promise Yoda that we would be back," Luke said. I jumped up and ran over to the table and grabbed all the lightsabers that I had left that wasn't lost throughout the years.

      "Dammit we lost connection from her but I heard laughing in the background before we did. So don't go just yet since it's morning but be ready because it looks like we have to go scare some idiots," he said as he went to sleep.

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